Last night I had dinner with Japan´s Finance Minister Koji Omi at the home of Ambassador Motohide Yoshikawa in Madrid. During dinner we spoke at about the coming STS Forum in Kyoto that Minister Omi chairs and I will attend. This global conference –whose objective is to raise awareness on key challenges to the sustainability of our planet– has already been held 3 times before. Around 30% of the participants are Japanese and the rest from all over the world.

Personally, I found Minister Koji Omi to be a man with a strong sense of moral commitment to improve the state of the planet. His interest is to transcend beyond Japanese politics and to have global impact. This is good because Japan currently has an developmental model that is more friendly to the environment than the United States and its environmental footprint per dollar of GDP is among the lowest in the world.

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I recently had Howard Webster of Factory Publishing for an asado at my Madrid home and he showed me his new concept that blends comics, games and video clips. I thought it was awesome. Here´s a sample of his work. And here’s a preview of one of these blended genre creatures simply called Vietnam.

When two good friends of yours put on a show and is good, it’s worth publishing. Anil created Mobuzz out of a tiny studio in Madrid but he got over 4 million downloads last month. This is the story of how Mobuzz is produced.

Personally after having invested in Vpod, Joost, Sevenload I think that now what’s needed is content that is suitable for the internet. Mobuzz is of Youtube duration but of broadcast quality. And it’s fun!


I just saw this in Reddit as one of the most voted pieces of the day in the United States. Even though USA is a mostly a Christian nation I can see why this was so voted. I think that believers and non believers can agree that if we had never heard of the Bible and were introduced to Judaism or Christianity for the first time, the story of Jesus would be pretty hard to accept.

Kevin Werbach, Professor at Wharton, top conference Supernova organizer, interviews me for Wharton@Knowledge. Here is the interview.

Most people in Europe are agnostic, most people in America are religious. Religious people argue that a family who prays together stays together. But evidence points otherwise. As the article shows, it turns out divorce rates in the USA are higher among families who pray together than among those who do not.

Now they simply go to Alluc, they select the movie or TV series they want to watch (lately they are hooked on Heroes), and the show appears instantaneously on Daily Motion.
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My wife, my youngest son and I, are on holidays in El Nido, Philippines. Based on what I have seen so far, I don’t understand this country’s absence from the top tourist destination lists. El Nido is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to and that includes comparisons with the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Polynesia. It is also the most affordable.
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I have gone for a month without using Microsoft. I am thinking about starting a group known as Microsoft Anonymous. Who could join? Anyone who after a life of suffering serious crashes, horrible program installation delays and hours lost simply turning a computer on and off, have left Microsoft for Linux or Mac. This group would focus on all we have in common. I imagine sessions started with testimonials such as. “Since I stopped using Microsoft I make it home for dinner and my relationship with my wife has improved”, or “now that my computer does not crash my girlfriend tells me that I am a happier person”, another one could be ” now that I can install programs so quickly I have also learned to make and keep friends”. Here´s a proposal for the first MA meeting: “Is using Parallels positive for your life without Microsoft?”

I lived in the States for 18 years, I live in Europe now. I reside in Madrid but today I had a medical emergency while visiting Paris. It was so well taken care of that I would like to write an unusual post in favor of the French Health System. This is clearly a case and not a statistic but I will try to draw some general conclusions comparing the US and French health care experience.I will limit myself to three key elements of the medical experience, the quality of the medical care, the paperwork and the cost.

The case: I had a 3 cm cut on my chest that urgently required stitches. I was rushed to Hopital St Antoine which is not far from Place des Vosges where we have an apartment (my wife is French and we come frequently to Paris). I was successfully treated and sent home in less than 90 minutes.
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