Since I met Chad Hurley last July I kept saying that Youtube needed two main enhancements, one was languages other than English and the other to offer a live format. Well, today I tested a service provided by Comvu over my Nokia N80 and it worked extremely well, first live and then stored on Youtube (the video is boring and in Spanish, but it was done over Comvu and then automatically sent by Comvu to Youtube after the live stream was over).

Why do I think that there´s a huge market for a Youtube Live type of web site? Because of the same reasons as to why there´s a huge market for live TV. There´s no better reality than reality…as it happens.

People like to know that they are seeing something as it unfolds no matter what they see. Picture soccer Mom doing a live show of her kid Joe playing in her High School finals and Dad watching show from a trip somewhere else in the planet, or picture kid Joe going to his favorite erotica live show after the game, or think of political debates that could not make it on national TV but some people want to see live, or in general picture the long tail of live television.

All the shows that would not make it on Cable, but could get an audience of hundreds or thousands on the internet. I think the ability of doing a live show over a telephone for all to see is pretty cool. And for FON it is great as only WiFi really has the bandwidth to do this, especially when you do it for free.

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Jennifer Blome on March 5, 2007  · 

I’m with ComVu and want to say thanks for taking the time to test the automated YouTube posting feature of PocketCaster. Appreciate your first-hand discussion of the value of bringing live video to YouTube. Any feedback or ideas focused on the convergence of mobile/live video/user-generated, is extremely important to us. You and any of your readers, who want an enhanced PocketCaster account, can just let me know… jb or

3.0 rating

Jennifer Blome on March 5, 2007  · 

Hi Martin – Looks like ComVu and FON have some great synergies. Please let me know if there is an interest.

3.0 rating

freechelmi on March 7, 2007  · 

This comVu software will be great for my N80ie for podcasting , but what I really miss, is a sip vidéo softphone for S60 . I guess comvu use the SIP vidéo feature of the S60 sdk ?

3.0 rating

Mark Krebs on November 20, 2007  · 

We have implemented a similar system to ComVU that
will run on more limited handset…you were interested in S60..

Our solution is cellphone to cellphone. If you have a camera on your s60 and you want to transmit the video to someone on anothre s60 or an N-series Nokia or Sony Ericcson or even a Blackberry 8100, 8700, 8300, 8800…we can do this.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Krebs
CTO, Movidity Inc

3.0 rating

Tooncis on March 21, 2008  · 

Looks like the youtube upload from PocketCaster / Comvu doesn’t work any more…and hasn’t for months.

3.0 rating

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