Fon is booming. I have requests of people who want to partner with FON from 17 countries so far. In Spain, where we are first launching FON, we have thousands of volunteers waiting for our software to be ready in order to download it, flash it to their access points and link all wifi access points into a country wide network. We have hundreds of volunteers who are also interested in going into the homes of people who are less techie and install FON for them. We are launching FON in Sweden at SIME on November 9th and FON in France at Les Blogs on December 5th.

Now here´s my offer to all top bloggers of the world. Join our board and become our partners. In Spain we are making a board that is made of top Spanish bloggers, like Alvy at Microsiervos. I would like to extend a similar offer to the top bloggers of any country. We are going to create a subsidiary for each country that FON goes into and we would like to offer the top bloggers of that country a seat on the board of the FON and a 1% ownership stake. Please contact me if you are a top blogger and are interested in joining your local board of FON.

I started FON, my new company in Spain. This is my third telecom/internet company in this country of 44 million people. I started Jazztel in 1998, today Spain´s second largest publicly traded telecom operator, and, today Spain´s second largest internet site after Terra. But while Jazztel and are very local, FON can be very global, like Skype. FON is the P2P of WIFI and I want to find the best way to launch FON around Europe and the rest of the world.

What is FON? Very simple. At FON we developed a software client that you download from the net and you install it in your wifi base station. At that moment your wifi gives you a password of your choice, but starts accepting all the other passwords of all the other FON members. FON is based on the premise that, with wifi now being 54MB on cable and DSL platforms of 1MB or more, wifi users are only taking advantage of 3% of their capacity on the average. Or in other words, wasting 97% of their capacity. At the same time, what users want is for their laptops, PDAs, wifi phones, and soon wifi enable ipods or wifi enable digital cameras, to access to everyone else´s wifi so they can walk around cities taking pictures, listening to music, playing games on wifi playstations, etc. And this we accomplish by turning millions of wifi installations into a unified wifi FON network with a standard interface to accept all kind of wifi enabled devices.

So what do I need? I have the funds to launch FON in other countries. I also have the software and the ad campaigns. What I need is local entrepreneurs/managers who want to launch FON in their countries. Also FON will have much more value if it´s global. Want to join me? Do write to me through this site. Tell me about your background and local resources. By the way, even though “FON” sounds like telecoms, FON is a tribe in Africa (google it) and joining FON is like becoming a member of a bandwidth sharing tribe. How do we make money doing this? Contact me and I will let you know.

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I am looking for a Personal Assistant. Ideally a bright, bilingual college graduate taking a two year break between college and graduate school interested in spending time in Spain. This formula has worked for me in the past. Please send me your CV at .

Español / English

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