2012 20
2012 20
Tweetphorisms 3.0
Published by in General with No Comments
Over the past two years I’ve published lists of what I call tweetphorisms (tweets + aphorisms). Check out part 1 and part 2. Here’s the third round!
- Knowledge and conviction seem to be inversely correlated in most people
- Silicon Valley vs San Francisco: the choice is great weather and boredom or bad weather and fun.
- As a parent I rarely punish bad behavior. I reward good behavior to the point that opportunity cost of bad behavior is too high 🙂
- He who never arrived at school afraid of being beaten up was… a bully.
- A way to understand how developed a nation is is watching how drivers treat pedestrians.
- When government policies fail, many think that whoever implemented them was evil. Why is it so hard to think they were just wrong?
- One of the benefits of doing well is be able to say what you believe is true. Also one of the benefits of not running for office.
- Some have a hard time changing their mind because they think that when they change their mind they change their values.
- In life you should aim very high. Because, if you miss, you may still end up high enough.
- In my world everything is possible, some things are probable, few are likely and nothing is certain
- One of the reason that such few people are successful in business is because few understand the concept of probability tied to risk
- Two benefits of the crisis, less pollution, less money for corruption.
- The ego concept has evolved over time to only mean big ego. But having the right amount of ego is essential to do well in life.
- Being Jewish is a culture that sometimes comes accompanied by a religion.
- Americans think Europe has a lot of crazy laws. Europeans think America has a lot of crazy lawyers.
- I think all languages should start calling countries by the name they chose for themselves. We would all learn more about the world.
- Shaving used to be the only activity that felt like it would last for weeks but only lasted a day. Now it’s shaving and updating apps.
- The problem with generalizations is bad generalizations, others are extremely useful, in business and in life.
- You are only as happy as your saddest child
- In German the word for blame and debt is the same: schuld
- A company stops being a start up when it becomes self sufficient, profitable, sustainable.
- International security worries nowadays are not about tanks, but about banks.
- Knowing how to explain yourself is almost more important than having something to say.
- Hedge funds exist because even though information is widely distributed intelligence is not.
- Copyright holders make a mistake calling file sharers Pirates. Pirates are likable characters for kids.
- Holding yourself to a high standard is great. But for happiness sake, better set somewhat lower standards and overachieve.
- Many think there’s a lot of value in secrecy. But in start ups there is a lot more value in sharing!
- I would love to see a calendar that is made of days of the year from 1 to 365 without regard to weeks of months.
- People think that an IPO makes people rich when what it does, is it makes them liquid.
- I wonder what the world would be like if transplanting a brain was as easy as transplanting a kidney
- Universities make a mistake funding research through teaching. Being good at research does not mean being a great teacher.
- What works best in the world is capitalism moderated by a welfare state.
- One positive aspect of Twitter is that it encourages people to disclose things that otherwise they would keep to themselves.
- During the last decades, we have gone from wanting to know to wanting to believe. Last time we did that we got the Middle Ages.
- Maybe Catholic countries have more problems in becoming democratic because catholicism isn’t.
- When dressing formally men are supposed to look all alike and women to make sure that none of them look alike.
- Entrepreneurs are smart people with a compass for opportunity
- 10 years later: the Internet Bubble was not Internet destroying the financial sector but the financial sector destroying Internet.
- Considering how unAmerican Jesus was in his thinking it is surprising how much he is followed in USA
- Some say there are too many people in the planet but I think that there are more people to come up with solutions to our problems.
- I wonder how many products we use regularly would improve if there were no patents.
- Complacency: if you repeatedly tell people how great they are they may not be so for much longer.
- The problem with experience is that it makes you apply old solutions to new problems
2011 10
2011 10
Second Stream of Tweetphorisms
Published by in General with No Comments
A few months ago I published a list of what I call tweetphorisms (tweets + aphorisms). Here’s the second round! You can also check out my spanish list here.
- I started Fon because I wanted WiFi everywhere. I recommend that your next start up solves a problem that is dear to you.
- The Stop sign system is a waste of energy. They should replace Stop signs for Yield signs.
- Twitter should allow you to hyperlink, it would look better and save characters.
- Small victory in the world of the intercontinental traveler, an empty seat next to me.
- If you want to understand Wikileaks 250K cables at a personal level think what would happen if all your emails were visible to everyone
- As a father of four I can tell you that there is nothing genetic about sharing. The younger, the more selfish 🙂
- Fashion can be interesting but expensive clothes rarely are
- Having oil makes countries dumb
- It is absurd to speak about gender equality, genders are by nature different. Feminist objective should be “equal pay for equal work.”
- Twitter is like a classroom, of all the people you follow there are always a few who raising their hands all the time
- Frequently people ask me to invest but even more frequently they ask me if I have key managers to recommend. People are more important than money
- I know people who never update their software and somehow, they seem very happy
- Religion is a proof that absurdity is more comforting than ignorance.
- Unread messages should self destruct after a week and sender notified.
- One of the key uses of Skype for me is that green check showing me whether I have connectivity or not.
- There is a fine line between experience and prejudice
- Europe must introduce the concept of personal bankruptcy if it wants people to take the business risks that innovation requires.
- Entrepreneurs who are afraid of VCs taking over their company forget that VCs are VCs because they cant be entrepreneurs.
- As much as you may like your smartphone or iPad, dont you love it when you go back to your laptop?
- 3G is great (when you can’t find WiFi)
- A weakness of democracy is that it takes very different skills to get elected than to govern.
- Made in USA sells in USA, made in Japan sells in Japan, made in Germany sells in Germany, made in Spain does not sell in Spain, why?