What follows is my talk at IE on why European and all non US start ups may not want to move to Silicon Valley, at least not the whole company.

Martin Varsavsky at IE Venture Day from Martin Varsavsky on Vimeo.

John Markoff represents what is best about American journalism. He is fair, balanced and can explain technology to non geeks. So when John Markoff says “Move Over Silicon Valley Here Come European Start ups”, people listen. And by people I mean very important people like…my mother who is 67 and who normally does not believe in things until they appear….in the New York Times. After the article appeared on line (yes, I have an online Mom) she wrote to me all excited that she had read about my investing activities in the New York Times. For her this is the only source of truth in the news world (my blog of course is at the other end of the spectrum 😉 ).

Thanks John for giving this type of “kosher” certification to my investing activities in European start ups!

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