Pierre Chappaz just sent me the press release that appears below with the good news that Wikio raised 4 million euros. As an investor in the first round, when Wikio was nothing more than a concept, I am happy to see that Wikio has grown to be the most popular European blog and media search engine in only a year.

This round follows the Series A round that came less than a year after my investment in Netvibes, the very successful internet start up page now used by around 10 million people founded by my good friend Tariq Krim, but now also co managed by Pierre Chappaz. Interestingly Pierre Chappaz is also the founder of Kelkoo, sold to Yahoo a few years ago. Pierre is one of the few people in Europe with a keen eye for what´s up and coming on the internet. First in e commerce with Kelkoo and now in content and information management with Netvibes and Wikio. Congratulations Pierre Chappaz and the whole Wikio team!
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I am an entrepreneur. I am a blogger entrepreneur, but I am not a journalist. I was not trained as one. I don´t blog news. I blog about building a company. In this case FON. I don´t claim to be objective. How could I be? But I do try to tell as much as I can of what it is to build a company that went from and idea in my head to global reality with amazing corporate partners and investors in 5 months. What do I think of journalists? Like all professions some are good, some are bad. Should blog replace journalism? No. I give about 3 interviews a week and to me journalism has a key role in portraying developments that blogging, an especially an entrepreneur´s blog, will never replace. When a good journalist interviews me I feel she/he is part detective, part writer, part therapist. The detective part finds out things that I don´t know or don´t want to share, the writer part describes the story in a much better way that I could myself (yes, I do suffer from writer´s envy when I see how well some journalists write), and the therapist side discovers that part of me that I did not even know I had. So I will continue doing both, write my blog and collaborate with journalists including journalists who have blogs.

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