I just had breakfast at our NYC home with Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace. I have known Kumi for 11 years. First I would like to remark what a great person he is and how important the work he does at Greenpeace is. Kumi does not just do office activism, read his bio and you will find out more about his life.

During our breakfast we spoke a great deal about what are the most important environmental challenges of the decade and how Greenpeace can focus on addressing them. An idea I gave him was to work more on public shame. I reminded Kumi Naidoo on how it became socially unacceptable to wear fur for women after wearing furs went from being a fashion symbol to almost a criminal act. Especially fur from animals facing extinction. I said that if the same social stigma could be attached to cars with engines over 3 litres or rooms with AC under a certain temperature, or heated over a certain temperature more could be done for the environment and climate change than with many trips on the Rainbow Warrior.

We also spoke about how I could help Greenpeace and we decided that I could get involved in the online activism part of the organization. I am supposed to meet with a fellow Argentine, Martin Prieto who does a great job at that. I was also invited to the inauguration of the new Rainbow Warrior built in Gdansk.  Sounds like an amazing ship.

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xl on September 23, 2011  · 

La gente que critica el uso de pieles debía de ser un poo más consciente de que el mundo no es una fuente inagotable de recursos.

No se puede matar a una vaca sólo para coger algo de carne, hay que tratar de sacarle todo el partido posible. En cierto modo coincide con conceptos medioambientales como el de reciclar, o el de aprovechar bien los recursos.

Para mi tirar las pieles de los animales a un contenedor, es un auténtico desperdicio.

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