Quoring is very similar to blogging. Indeed an open source clone of Quora will probably fork out of WordPress soon and already it is not hard to hack a Quora out of WP.

But Quora is better than blogging in one aspect. It addresses the key flaw of blogging, and that is fairness. In blogging, a lucky few who write get a significant number of readers. Blogging is frustrating for most others. The internet is littered with abandoned blogs that few read. Bloggers then lose interest. The way Quora addresses this is that it invites “blogger types” but forces them to behave differently, to take turns at blogging. Quora is like a blog in which, if you choose the subject, you can’t write the article, and if you write the article you cannot choose the subject. Quora has a teacher who does not allow one student to answer questions but actively seeks classroom participation.

Follow Martin Varsavsky on Twitter: twitter.com/martinvars

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John Sparks on January 18, 2011  · 

Quora is not like a blog at all and it is not that easy to hack it out of a WordPress. There are configuration challenges in WP codex.

Quora is more like taking Google Knol and jazzing it up with Digg (vote comments up and down) and Twitter real-time dissemination.

There is someone I know and you know who is working on a blog commenting app and the concept is smarter than Quora and applicable to social eCommerce.

3.0 rating

Dave Stone on January 21, 2011  · 

Totally agree. I ran a questions series on my blog pre-Quora days, unfortunately when I migrated to posterous I lost all the comments.

I was thinking of re-posting them over Quora, Yahoo Questions, etc to compare the audiences.

3.0 rating

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