I met Alan Levy in the 80s when I was starting Urban Capital Corporation, my first company and he was my auditor working at Edward Isaacs, an accounting firm. When I started Viatel I convinced Alan to leave his accounting firm and join me. Alan had something very few accountants have and that is that he understood the source and use of the money he was accounting for, he was an entrepreneur hidden inside an accounting degree. Viatel was Alan´s last company and since he cashed out of a significant chunk of Viatel shares Alan has been a serial entrepreneur. I do recommend that you check out Alan´s latest venture, Blogtalkradio. What´s unique about Blogtalkradio is how two old, yet still extremely strong technologies, radio and telephones, are merged with the world of blogs and the internet. Ever dreamt of being a talk show radio host? Now you can.

Follow Martin Varsavsky on Twitter: twitter.com/martinvars

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Pablo Baqués on August 4, 2006  · 


In The Necklaces, we are planning to use this same idea for education. Entrepreneurial Apprentices of The Necklaces would maintain a blog with audio posts as a way of sharing their discoveries with other Apprentices and with those that they will tutor.

Think “thematic talk shows”.

I agree with you that blending sound into a blog is a powerful communication enhancer.

And I often wonder why you never use it.

Mike shy?…

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