- Image via Wikipedia
Stacey at GigaOm shot his video. While this video won´t make it to the most watched videos it gives an excellent explanation of why WiFi keeps growing exponentially around the world. In 2006 when Fon was founded there were around 200 million wifi chips made and this year will end with over a billion. And while it doesn´t mention Fon it is gadgets that is making us end the year with over 300,000 Fonspots around the world. It´s paradoxical that Fon started as a WiMax company, failed and was reborn as a WiFi company. WiMax is the perennial future that never happens. WiFi grows and grows.
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Friedrich on December 4, 2008 ·
“It´s paradoxical that Fon started as a WiMax company, failed and was reborn as a WiFi company.” – ok, but : Why does your german blog constantly produces articles solely about WIMAX and not about FON, because FON failed as a wimax company, as you told us here… thats really annoing.. and nobody can understand…