2006 12
My Activity as an Angel Investor
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in Other Projects with No Comments
Here are the companies that I have invested over the last 2 years as an angel investor. Wikio, Plazes, Netvibes, Technorati, Vpod and last week, Moneytrackin, started as a project by two FON employees.
Why do I make these investments? Mostly because the entrepreneurs who run them are friends who I trust, because I believe in the markets or needs they address and because of reasonable valuations.
2006 12
La Mala Rodriguez and Los Pibes Chorros
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in General with No Comments
Yes, I love them both. La Mala Rodriguez from Spain and Los Pibes Chorros from Argentina. See if you can get hold of their music. Hardly politically correct, but extremely original, global and yet local. Many people in Argentina give me a hard time because I like Cumbia Villera. But I do.
2006 12
A Cheaper Way to Make a Phone Call
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in General with No Comments
When I invented call back in 1991 I was looking for a cheaper way to make an international phone call. US had liberalized, the rest of the world had not, and I started Viatel (originally Via USA) and came up with the concept of exporting US dial tone to the rest of the world. In 1999, when Viatel was worth around $1.2bn, I sold my shares in the company, which by then had evolved into being a budding internet carrier and went on to start Jazztel and Ya.com in Spain, where I had moved from the States in the 90s.
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2006 11
Today´s Talk at ETRE in Barcelona
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in Fon with No Comments
2006 8
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in General with No Comments
Two developers at Fon, the brothers Victor and Abert Martin, came up with Moneytrackin in their spare time (yes there is a little spare time at Fon). The basic idea behind Moneytrackin is very simple, friends who spend money can account for it on the web. This can apply to such activities as group travel, party organizing, the beginnings of a business or any project that requires a simple system of joint accounting. They already have 10K people using the site. It´s a simple, cool idea that may very well take off.
2006 4
FON Liberator and Torrents
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in Fon with No Comments
This video shows the work of our Fon Labs in Barcelona where we are developing an open source platform that will convert la fonera into an incredibly functional tool for uploading and downloding stuff to the internet without having to keep your laptop or desktop connected to the internet. Here the demo is with a torrent. We call this the Fon Liberator because it liberates you and your laptop from the tedious activities of uploading and downloading. All you do is connect an external hard drive to the Fon Liberator router and leave and watch from wherever you are in the world how those 2 day long torrents are doing.
2006 4
MP3tunes and the FON Liberator
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in Fon with No Comments
I just became a member of MP3tunes. I love the service. Basically, MP3tunes is like a Flickr for songs. With MP3tunes you post your songs on the internet and you stream them back when you want to listen to them. Why would you want to do this? Because you, like me, may have many more songs than memory in your devices. In my case it all started with the Nokia 770 tablet and its 512MB of memory vs my 33GB song collection.
Now the main problem of MP3tunes is something that the FON Liberator will solve and that is the cumbersome nature of massive music uploads. Massive music uploads or downloads, say uploading my 33gb music collection to MP3tunes for example, take forever. Say two full days. And who wants to be stuck to a connection with a laptop for 2 days? So the FON Liberator basically liberates you from tying up your laptop in this process. With the FON Liberator, which should be available at FON by January for around $85, you will basically stick your external hard drive or iPod to the Liberator (a FON social router who doubles up as a Linux mini computer WiFi media server) and tell the Liberator over the internet to send all your songs to MP3tunes, or your videos to You Tube, or manage your Torrents or any large upload and download and you will not need to be glued to your laptop.
We are now developing a cool web interface for massive uploaders/downloaders to decide what type of files and where they would like to upload/download. I see 2007 as the year in which the internet migrated to the pocket, WiFi became ubiquitous and devices will start using web storage in a massive way. What is now a geeky thing with less popular devices like the N770 will become massively deployed when handset makers launch most phones with WiFi (Nokia is already making around a million a month of these).
2006 3
Jesus and God in Family Guy
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in General with No Comments
I was thinking about the Danish Cartoon incident and I remembered Family Guy. a cartoon that I saw with my 12 year old son the other day. Watching that even this agnostic Jew was shocked. Is this what kids watch on TV now? Where did Roadrunner go? What´s clear to me is that Western societies have tremendous tolerance on how they treat their own religious figures and it is that principle that clashes with the much less tolerant vews prevailing in Muslim societies when humour is at stake.
2006 2
FON Covered by O Reilly
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in Fon with No Comments
I just read this article entitled I am going to Become a Fonero and I am very pleased that the new software and hardware that we released is meeting the expectations of foneros around the world.
2006 2
This is How Foneras Look With More Powerful Antennas.
Published by MartinVarsavsky.net in Fon with No Comments
We are considering having all Foneras come with these antennas so that FON Access Points can double their coverage. For the time being, these antennas are sold separately in the FON Shop.