One of the toughest problems of humanity is that most of the people who can vote global problems out of existence don´t vote. Many don´t vote in their own countries because they are not democracies, but most can´t vote these problems out of existence because humanity is a very weak concept. As schooling in America, humanity is about being born in the right side of the tracks. Unfortunately “humanity” as a value is a distant second to the extremely to nationality. Income distribution among nations reflects that.
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Here’s the Supermarket 2.0 as presented by Lior Katz of the place of your dreams Wishood at Kinnernet.

I also have a wish Lior. I would like all supermarkets to be like this one!

I have recently left Microsoft after being a customer since 1986. I am with Apple now. I left Microsoft for many reasons, but if I had to summarize them I would not say propensity to crash, but slowness.

We can argue about Apple’s design vs Microsoft’s design forever, but what we can’t argue with is that it takes much less time to start a Mac than a PC. Same to turn it off, which is something you just don’t need to do with a Mac. And, in general, everything you do on a Mac happens much faster. Now if slowness is the case with Windows on PCs, it is even more so with Windows Mobile on phones, as phones are something that we are not used to be patient with.
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At Kinnernet, Yossi Vardi’s build-as-you-go conference in Israel, I was thrown into a debate called Cellular vs WiFi. Coming from FON I could have raved about WiFi and spoken about the evils of cellular, or mobile as we say in Europe. But I didn’t. Let’s be honest. The mobile networks are amazing in many ways. Think about the database behind the GSM system, for example, a database that allows any mobile phone reach any fixed or mobile phone around the world. Also the investment that has gone into GSM/3G technology is extraordinary and as a result so is the choice of handset.
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Palm reading is out. Face reading is in. Ido at Kinnernet showed us the art of face reading. He says that Face Reading is a new technique to understand personality that blends Jewish and Chinese tradition. From what I understood, the face is divided into 3 main areas and 7 sectors and depending on what is more or less prominent you are said to have a certain type of personality. The forehead represents the thinking, the area between the eye brows and the mouth represents the motions and the mouth and chin represent the needs.

At Kinnernet I ran into Elad Barkan, a young PhD whose claim to fame is to have cracked the GSM encriptyon. In this video he tells about his feat. What is it about Israel that you so frequently run into amazing people like Elad?

I have 30 joost invites. Pls write to me if you need one.

I am at the game room at Kinnernet and I am testing BlogTV as demoed by Nir Ofir. BlogTV is the fourth most popular web site in Israel, the secret over Youtube is that it is live. People make live shows with their webcams and mobile phones. They also have a good revenue model cause they share revenues on video calls from mobiles. In most countries video calls have been a big failure cause they are very expensive. With Fon and a Nokia N80 or other models you can do the same thing with WiFi and broadcast yourself for free. I have been blogging for a while about the potential of a Youtube Live type platform but in Israel this is a reality. My live transmission was done in their new Canadian site cause their Israeli site is in Hebrew.

I am in Israel now. In Tel Aviv. I came to attend Kinnernet, Yossi Vardi’s tech fest.
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I normally hate to write uncritical posts which sound like commercials (unless they are about FON, of course), but I will this time. The Economist is simply the best magazine in the world.
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