I have 30 joost invites. Pls write to me if you need one.

Follow Martin Varsavsky on Twitter: twitter.com/martinvars

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David on March 16, 2007  · 

May I have one joost invitation, thanks


3.0 rating

Carlos Rivera on March 17, 2007  · 

Hey man!
I would like to be part of the Fon network! Right now ‘m living in Sweden, but I come from Mexico. The thing is that I’m pretty interested in sharing this technology with Mexicans and we can take it beyond!
If you have any invitation for being a Fon member, and please if there is a possibility, it could be great if you can share one with me!
Thanks a lot! I hope to listen to you soon in my e-mail.
Carlos Rivera

3.0 rating

Bamboutch on March 17, 2007  · 

An invite please

3.0 rating

cetegu on March 17, 2007  · 

Martin, te escribi a tu email para que me envies mi invitacion. No te olvides de Mi.

Manuel Matos
Republica Dominicana

3.0 rating

Doggos on March 17, 2007  · 

U shud write to Mr Martin Varavsky for the joost invites (:

3.0 rating

luca on March 17, 2007  · 

invite for me, plz! 😉

3.0 rating

Gregor Feller on March 17, 2007  · 

I would be interestet in a Joost-Invite.
And check out my URL.
I am getting a FON-Retailer, but living in Switzerland and become a FON-Retailer looks like not possible. – I am fighting for it since 3 weeks now with endless e-mails with FON.

3.0 rating

Altan on March 17, 2007  · 

Can I have an invitation please?


3.0 rating

Juergen on March 17, 2007  · 

Martin, I would be greatful, thanks,
Juergen, juergen@moola.de

3.0 rating

Rima Batal on March 17, 2007  · 

Hola Martin, Hope you are doing well! Can you pleast send me a joost invite?

3.0 rating

Guillermo Lutzky on March 18, 2007  · 

May I have one?

Thanks in advance.

3.0 rating

Tom on March 18, 2007  · 

Yes please I’d like an invite. Many thx.

3.0 rating

Eddy on March 18, 2007  · 

Hi Martin,
I would appreciate a Joost invitation…if you still have one.
Thank you

3.0 rating

Martín Varsavsky on March 18, 2007  · 

I´m really sorry, but we ran out of invitations!

3.0 rating

Juanma on March 19, 2007  · 

por qué has ofrecido estas invitaciones en tu blog inglés? has marginado a tus más fieles lectores, que son los del blog español.

muy mal 🙁

3.0 rating

Ander Hilario Gómez on March 19, 2007  · 

Thanks anyway,

Next time maybe.


3.0 rating

Jim Hughes on March 19, 2007  · 

I’ve got a few left too, see my blog for details

3.0 rating

martin on March 21, 2007  · 

if you have a Joost invitation left, I’d like one too…..tnx

3.0 rating

Falko on March 23, 2007  · 


If there is a Joost invitation left I would like to get invited.

Thanks and kind regards


3.0 rating

Kannan on March 24, 2007  · 

Hey Martin,

If you have spare Joost inite, I’d appreciate it! I have a suspicion that Im a little late 🙁



3.0 rating

Gerdo on March 26, 2007  · 

If any left, i’d like one very much! And if i get any invites myself, i will put them here!

Thanks in advance!

3.0 rating

João on March 26, 2007  · 

I would like an invite, please.

Thank you!

3.0 rating

fragman on March 26, 2007  · 

any invites left? would be great if you can send one…

thanks in advance, fragman

3.0 rating

Matej on March 26, 2007  · 

Would be really grateful to get an invite, since there is no other (proper) way to watch TV at university student accomodation.
Thanks a lot in advance

3.0 rating

Abyy S on March 27, 2007  · 

would you mind sending me a Joost invite.

thank you,

3.0 rating

kaesekuchen on March 27, 2007  · 

hope you’re not outta invites!
got one left?


3.0 rating

lumpi on March 27, 2007  · 

I’d love to try it. If you have one left, please send me!

reaper.fourtyseven AT gmail DOT com

3.0 rating

ditz on March 27, 2007  · 

ah the holy grail …id love to try it if you still have one ,thanks :))

3.0 rating

jeremyt on March 27, 2007  · 

Can I have an invitation please?


3.0 rating

C. on March 27, 2007  · 

Hi if you could invite me that’d be cool ;d thanks

3.0 rating

MayheM on March 27, 2007  · 

If you have anymore invites pleaes let me know!

I want to be JOOST’D!


3.0 rating

valleygirl on March 28, 2007  · 

Please…kind sir!
I would so appreciate an invite to JOOST.
Me and my mac, thank you kindly….
marlbank gmail dot com

3.0 rating

Joel snoop on March 28, 2007  · 

Please send me one thanks.

jguzman AT ezem DOT com

3.0 rating

Ramulis on March 28, 2007  · 

Hi Martin. I would like an invite too. Hope you still have it! Thanks a lot!!!

Ramulis. Lithuania.

3.0 rating

Niels Christian on March 28, 2007  · 

if any of you have any joost invites, i’d like one. nieller -at- gmail com

3.0 rating

autokat on March 28, 2007  · 

Hello i am from denmark and like an invite too:)

Regards Auto!!

3.0 rating

esh rak on March 29, 2007  · 

Can i have joost invite please

3.0 rating

dwg on March 29, 2007  · 

May I have an invite if anyone has some? Thanks!


iwantjoost (AT) gmail (DOT) com

3.0 rating

Bega on March 29, 2007  · 

I would like an invite, too!

3.0 rating

hiten on March 29, 2007  · 

Hi, can i have one please. thanks. once revceived i will be happy to give to others.
thanks hiten

3.0 rating

aarti on March 29, 2007  · 

Could u please send me a joost invite?

3.0 rating

Sergiy Chubanov on March 30, 2007  · 

If you still have any invites, pls send one to me as well.


3.0 rating

andrew gordon on March 30, 2007  · 

hey if you still have any invites i’d love one

3.0 rating

Juanita Sabatini on April 1, 2007  · 

I have plently of Joost invites left but you will have to find it somewhere in my blog or the site.


3.0 rating

Danny Bakar on April 1, 2007  · 

I would like an invite been waiting for like 2 months now.


3.0 rating

Lucas Doherty on April 2, 2007  · 

It looks like I am a bit late but should i be very lucky and you happen to have one spare I would be eternally grateful to you.

3.0 rating

nickolia chinmanski on April 3, 2007  · 

i wood like joost invite please chinmanski@hotmail.co.uk

3.0 rating

srikanth on April 3, 2007  · 

I would love to get as invitation.

3.0 rating

Karen Tumbali on April 3, 2007  · 

if i’m not too late, spare me a Joost invite please.

bratinella [at] gmail [dot] com

3.0 rating

tom on April 3, 2007  · 

hey, an invitation would be great!


3.0 rating

KarmataxiDriver on April 3, 2007  · 

Dear Martin,

if there still some invites left, i would like one please.

The KarmataxiDriver


3.0 rating

bere on April 5, 2007  · 

Plz plz if anyone have any invites to joost, plz send:
chinaski @ jippii.fi

3.0 rating

Johan on April 5, 2007  · 


I got a PS3 recently, ready for joost type technology. Without joost it feals like sitting in a ferrari but not having the keys to switch it on. So please somebody sent me an invite.Urgently!


3.0 rating

alex on April 6, 2007  · 

hey can i have a joost invite please! reply at my email thanks!!!!!

3.0 rating

Muneeb on April 6, 2007  · 

I sent you an e-mail requesting for an invite to Joost but I just wanted to mention it again. Can I please, please, PPLEASE have an invite? I would be forever grateful :).

3.0 rating

Anonymous on April 6, 2007  · 

I would love to have an invite to Joost! A million thanks in advance!

3.0 rating

Adam on April 6, 2007  · 

If anybody has an invite, can i have one pretty plz!!! 🙂



3.0 rating

Max on April 6, 2007  · 

If someone has an invite I would love to try joost, thanks in advance:

3.0 rating

Mariana on April 8, 2007  · 

Can anyone please PLEASE spare an invite for Joost?

Thanks in advance,
Mariana from Venezuela

3.0 rating

mark on April 8, 2007  · 

please i need an invite. send me one and i’ll send invites to others when ill have some.

mark hilt

3.0 rating

Cus Knee on April 9, 2007  · 

Could I please have a Joost invite.


3.0 rating

Gianni Valentino on April 16, 2007  · 

I would love a joost invite. thank you

3.0 rating

Rick on April 17, 2007  · 

Can you please send me an invite. I have to work two jobs just to be broke, and I cant afford cable.

3.0 rating

Ari on April 19, 2007  · 

Looking for a joost invite. Please help!

3.0 rating

Anonymous on April 20, 2007  · 

Can I please get an invite.

3.0 rating

Ben on April 21, 2007  · 

Please send me a joost invite!!

3.0 rating

dimz on April 22, 2007  · 

I would love to have an invite. Thanks

3.0 rating

vaku on April 22, 2007  · 

One for me please.

3.0 rating

Karine on April 27, 2007  · 

If you have any left I would like an invite.
Many thanks.

3.0 rating

Friedbeef on April 28, 2007  · 

You can get more Joost invites from my site if anyone’s interested…


3.0 rating

Samantha on May 3, 2007  · 

Hey can i please have an Invite, i wanna be part of the fun 😉

3.0 rating

Dougie on May 25, 2007  · 

May I have one joost invitation, thanks

3.0 rating

Marty on July 8, 2007  · 

Do you still have invites? I would appreciate if you can give me one should you still have some.


3.0 rating

tony on July 17, 2007  · 

i have joost invites available
email me at jammo_2002uk@yahoo.co.uk

3.0 rating

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