I used to complain that Facebook was a black hole of memories. That memories, moments, once posted, would never be found again. That scrolling your timeline forever was not a way to find anything.  Before say, if I searched for the name of our boat in Menorca, Benebella I would get totally random stuff. Now I get all the posts of mine and of my friends about Benebella.  Or if I search Gramofon, our cloud music player, I get all the posts of mine and my friends about the Gramofon. Still what Facebook search does not do, that Twitter does so well,  is to show me all the posts that anyone writes about the Gramofon or any search term.  This type of search is especially useful for companies.  Facebook could do this at least on all posts written in public mode. I hope that comes soon.  But at least now I can begin to find my own stuff on Facebook and that is great news. 

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