I already reported that while Japan was one of the last countries in which we launched the Fonero Promise (the last one was USA) that FON Japan grew so fast that it quickly became a top Fonero country. Today I am happy to announce that the enthusiasm shown by the Japanese people is showing up as well in Japan’s top corporation. FON has reached an agreement with Sony to sell the La Fonera in the Sony Style shops. I understand that it is very uncommon to sell non Sony products in a Sony Style shop, and we are very pleased that Sony has trusted FON. We are very grateful.

From today in Japan, a “Mylo/ La Fonera” bundle package is on sale, also on Sony Style. For those of you who are not too familiar with “Mylo,” it is Sony’s personal communicator product, which can be used for web viewing, online communication (chat and voice) with our partners at Skype, as a portal audio or a movie-viewer, and much more. I carry one and strongly recommend it. The other very popular Sony WiFi gadget that works with FON is the PSP.

Follow Martin Varsavsky on Twitter: twitter.com/martinvars

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Heiko on March 15, 2007  · 

Dear Martin,

I don’t know if you read The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, but when I was reading this book I was wondering what the Tipping Point Of the number of Fonero’s would be. At which point will it really take of and become an epedemic. Do you have any thoughts or assumptions on that?

3.0 rating

neok on March 16, 2007  · 

Hey Martin,
Well done, I am impressed. It’s indeed very tough to get non-sony-engineerd products lined up together with Sony products. Especially in Japan! It would be great to seeing you opening them up a bit more with your good ideas (and network).

3.0 rating

tiberiofonero on March 18, 2007  · 

Mylo is very-very expensive… i would get a much better PDA for that price.

3.0 rating

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