Today Apple Computer launched the iPhone and decided to drop the “computer” out of its name. I guess that as it entered the world of mobile phones computer was not the appropriate way of naming Apple. Nokia however, who kindly invited me for a panel in NYC with Om Malik and Steve Boom, from Yahoo, when they launched the new N Series phones a few months ago, told me that we should not refer to the N Series phones as phones since they were NOT phones but ….computers.

I guess this is what happens when two giants enter each other fields. So what´s next, Nokia Computer and Apple Connecting People?

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Antoin O Lachtnain on January 10, 2007  · 

From what I hear from people who have seen the phone, it seems like Apple has succeeded in producing one of hte most sophisticated phone models in the world and making it into one of the easiest phones to operate.

That’s the challenge for Nokia (and FON, for that matter) – present sophisticated functionality within a very simple package -.

3.0 rating

Patrick on January 16, 2007  · 

The Problem with Nokia’s ambitious desire to make computer phones is that they are seomtimes more unstable than a Microsoft beta version. The E80 for example crasehes all the time and should actually be dropped as a failed beta phone as far as voip (on its SIP client) is concerned- in fact this is what Nokia have done.

Too bad for those with E60 phone hoping a hassle free mVOIP experience.

3.0 rating

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