Yesterday I learned how to do Time Lapse Photography. I am sure that Jonan Basterra only taught me a fraction of what he knows in a couple of hours but the basic technique is simple enough for me to share it with you. First start with this tutorial. If you know something about photography you will be amazed at how quickly you can be doing Time Lapse. Indeed for me the worse part was to get Apple to accept my $30 for the upgrade to Quicktime Pro. For some reason Apple was not accepting my key. But other than that the rest was easy. In order to do Time Lapse photography you need to change the settings of your camera from raw to jpeg as you will be taking tons of pictures. Take them at a low speed to avoid images to look jumpy. If light is changing as the Time Lapse evolves shoot in P or auto. When you have the thousands of pictures import them into Quicktime Pro selecting “open image sequence” and then export them as a .mov file cropping the top and bottom cause the picture format is different from the video format. My homework? Here it goes. Life at home. You must watch it in HD.

I would like to thank Jonan Basterra who was kind enough to teach me the Time Lapse technique.

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Falko on May 24, 2010  · 

This video is not available…

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cheap nike sb dunks on June 7, 2010  · 

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