Reading Gizmodo I am surprised how people who write about WiFi on airplanes don´t say that we had WiFi on airplanes for years. Lufthansa had it til recently and so did other airlines. WiFi on airplanes failed in the past because few gadgets had WiFi and because it was too expensive to offer. WiFi on airplanes will succeed this time. Or is it that writers in the States write about something as new because to them nothing is new until it´s used in America?

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tigreton on November 28, 2008 ·
hahaha, people like retro.
If something is in a airplane he will write it in twiiter. and what can he say? “ey people, i’m writting a twitt by a airplane’s wifi”…
And they can say to his friends to give jealousies. really, i did it.
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Dave Burstein on November 24, 2008 ·
So do the regulators and even the companies. As the U.S. has fallen behind, our unwillingness to learn from others is very destructive.