It all depends. Here are my ratings. This is a work in progress. But you get the idea. Maybe you don’t agree with them. Maybe you would add more categories. I have not tested any models lately with Symbian, with Windows Mobile, so they are not on the chart. For the Twitter category, Blackberry is also with Seesmic – I forgot to put it in the chart.

Results: Seesmic in the Blackberry is just super fast even though it looks better in Android. But the iPhone with Tweetdeck is also incredibly good, love the email the tweet feature. I forgot to include roaming charges. Blackberry wins that contest because it has compression. With the other two don’t even try. Get a PeekFON instead. We already pre-sold all the ones we have. But we will get more in 90 days or less. The PeekFON would be a clear loser in the quality competition. It’s not really a smartphone. But if you want affordable email without roaming charges no one can beat it. 30 euros for the PeekFON itself and 12,9 euros per month all the email you can eat anywhere in Europe, Australia, New Zeland and hopefully soon USA as well. PeekFON is work in progress.


Follow Martin Varsavsky on Twitter:

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wixho on February 8, 2010  · 

this is just an opinion,
while the chart looks interesting from the subscriber behaviour side,
I would say that certain applications represent more value (in terms of Revenue, loyalty, MoU) for an Operator, and these could be
other important categories that can be used to classify the applications and then to rate a smartphone in this regard (i.e Revenue per month per type of smartphone)
just thinking that Operators are the real owners of the network it might be important to align a mobile application with their strategy.
Therefore by having how much $ each application represents for an Operator a rating can be done to ponder smartphones.

3.0 rating

John Smith on February 9, 2010  · 

Hey Martin, maybe you would like to the Nokia N900.

3.0 rating

Fernando Gutierrez on February 9, 2010  · 

Regarding Seeismic for Blackberry, I agree completely, it’s great. If you have a Blackberry under BIS (Gmail, GApps, Hotmail…) and have tried it before but couldn’t make it work I encourage you to try again with the last version. Until now it only worked under BES (Exchange, Notes…) but they didn’t communicate that effectively.

3.0 rating

Kahenya on February 11, 2010  · 

The iPhone natively switches between tasks? It can multitask?

3.0 rating

32gb usb drive on February 13, 2010  · 

It all depends. Here are my ratings. This is a work in progress. But you get the idea. Maybe you don’t agree with them. Maybe you would add more categories. I have not tested any models lately with Symbian, with Windows Mobile, so they are not on the chart. For the Twitter category, Blackberry is also with Seesmic – I forgot to put it in the chart.Results: Seesmic in the Blackberry is…

3.0 rating

Hernan on February 22, 2010  · 

I don´t see the point in limiting the peekfon to 2 e-mail accounts. That´s a limitation that should go from the word go.
The name, Peekfon, buy the way, sounds perfect to me!

A curious fact: Peek (and Poke) was a command in old computers operating systems (in the 80s!).

Good luck!


3.0 rating

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