Fon generated tremendous interest in Japan. We are now looking for an energetic fonero to manage our Japanese operations. What do you need to be a leader in the Fon movement? First of all you have to LOVE the internet, be very familiar with it. Secondly you need experience in communications over the internet. Fon is spread mainly through routers. Fon´s objective now is to place as many routers as possible in Japan. We are going to manufacture our own routers and we will be able to introduce them in Japan at 2500 yen, considering all the special web 2.0 features that these routers will have they should sell very well over there and help spread the Fon movement. The candidate will report to Joichi Ito.

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gerhard on April 29, 2006  · 

2500 yen are = 17.45266 Euro / 21.90226 US Dollar

Is this right? very cheap….


3.0 rating

Martín Varsavsky on May 2, 2006  · 

Yes, I think we should launch at that price.


3.0 rating

Sanjay on May 2, 2006  · 

Web 2.0 features in a router? What does that mean?

3.0 rating

Olaf on May 3, 2006  · 

Will they also be available in the US and Europe? Peter’s post on the German FON blog kind of suggests worldwide availability.

3.0 rating

Martín Varsavsky on May 9, 2006  · 


Fon will price routers at very attractive prices. Already we are heavily subsidizing them and we will continue to do so.


3.0 rating

florian on May 19, 2006  · 

Will they be available in Germany? What do you mean by Web 2.0 features? When will they be available?

3.0 rating

fedorov on August 3, 2006  · 

Hello Mr.Varsavsky
i live in japan i am net maniac and very iteresting about new things like skype,fon etc.can you send me some more deails about your operations in japan?I have heard aout you from your partner in slovakia.Pls contact me on my email.
with my best rgds
matej fedorov

3.0 rating

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