Today I was in Barcelona, going from meeting to meeting. And totally by chance I saw the Gas Natural Building. I had to stop. I took these pictures.

Later on, at home, doing research I found out that one of the architects. Benedetta Tagliabue was a friend of mine from the 80s in NYC. I was pleasantly surprised. It is interesting that before anyone of us did well in life, we all new each other. And I don´t mean Benedetta alone. There are many people who I know from when I was at school in NYC in the 80s who have done extremely well in life. This is something that never seizes to surprise me. But in any case there aren´t many who have done such beautiful work. This is their web site I recommend you spend some time looking at it.

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Jesus Colao on May 22, 2009  · 

It is a good building but I think Benedetta’s work in partnership with her late husband Enric looking back 20 years is a body of work to many considered masterful. La Igualada cementery is a project you must visit next time you’re in Barcelona;
In particular because it has to do with similar strategies about ‘unearthing’ found in your own house.

Your Article Martin, I belief titled ‘Los ricos tambien lloran’ is a really compelling description of the debilitating process by which we build in this country. We architects are slow at understanding that our role is becoming one of pure mediation.

Nonetheless you have a pretty cool house!

This poor russian millionaire hired Ben Van Berkel to design his and it burned to the ground a year after it was completed.

We cannot consider this a trend, but has anyone noticed that major buildings being developed primarily in China by ‘star architects’ are burning to the ground?

The Koolhaas CCTV headquarters support building and the Zaha Hadid Opera House.

3.0 rating

Jaime GM on May 23, 2009  · 

This building is amazing, a crystal palace… As I understand, every man is the arquitect of his own fortune, you are also a great arquitect as a fortunate man, I hope be one too.

3.0 rating

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