After the great news of having signed our second large ISP in Europe we have been meeting with US Cable operators. The meetings have been quite positive. Our proposition to these players is simple. We show them how with Fon they can increase ARPU (payments from Aliens increase their revenues per connection), reduce churn (clients who travel frequently now keep the service because they pay at home and use it everywhere), increase customer satisfaction (service is delivered with wifi and customer pays same rates but gets free global roaming), reduce leeching by non paying customers (Fon is shared for free only among paying customers of ISPs) and become quasi mobile and eventually with software upgrade mobile operators (their plant has very thorough coverage and with 802.11n or MIMO the range would end up in ubiquitous signal). Moreover since Fon is a global proposition with Fon US Cable operators many of which are very local become part of a global network. I am confident that in less than 120 days we will be able to announce deals similars to the ones we are making in Europe in the States.

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Ling on March 17, 2006  · 

Hi Martin,

Is there any plan of having something for Canada? I’ve been following Fon for a while, the only thing I found was the router are not shipping to us…:(

3.0 rating

Jürgen Ahting on March 17, 2006  · 

How about this idea: Sponsored WiFi

3.0 rating

Martín Varsavsky on March 17, 2006  · 

Ling, let me look into this. We will probably start shipping to Canada.


3.0 rating

Ling on March 18, 2006  · 

Do you already have any plan of heading into Canada?

3.0 rating

jew murcia on March 23, 2006  · 

why not or

3.0 rating

Dan on September 21, 2006  · 


I would like to participate. Any idea when will FON ship to Canada?

Than kyou,


3.0 rating

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