WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 10:   U.S. President Geo...
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Because, the USA is a very federal country and there´s little a President can do to change the way America is going other than by convincing Congress, Governors and Mayors to go along with him.

Because, the only area in which a US President really has power is in the military and foreign policy.

Because, the EU, which could be a true military rival of USA, not in the sense of enemy but in the sense of forcing USA to act in sync around the world, doesn´t really have a post WWII vocation for the role.

Because, China is not there yet.

Because, the UN is ineffective and little countries have an absurd amount of power. The UN never came up with the Senator/Representative solution to distribute world power. It either has the veto concept by very few countries that are too powerful, or it has the one vote per country that gives little countries too much power.

Because, America is the biggest global exporter of culture and most movies – TV shows do a great job at promoting the image of the US President around the world.

Because, the authority of the US President is so resilient that not even George W. Bush was able to destroy it. Bush had a significant chance to improve the state of the World and he did the exact opposite. He inherited a world mostly rich and mostly in peace and he and his administrations made such wrong decisions that the world is now less rich and less peaceful. Obama has a chance to change the course.

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desmotivador on January 19, 2009  · 

because the us is the biggest economy in the world.

3.0 rating

Daven on January 19, 2009  · 

So, where was the democracy?

Is democracy an old-fashioned way? are de-coupled powers an utopia? are we return to Roman empire?

I’m against to recognize a fair power in just a man: All we must change our mind. We don’t need more leadership, we need to improve our democracy system instead.

Lord Daven

3.0 rating

neoyorquina on January 19, 2009  · 

Yes, I think it is ridiculous the level to which the world views Obama as president of the world. He’s going to have his hands full trying to fix the country’s domestic problems. Other than closing Gitmo, I don’t see him having much time to deal with any other major foreign policy issues during the first year of his administration. But then again, I guess that’s what he has HRC for, to do his dirty work over at the State Dept. and to take the blame for what doesn’t fly in U.S. foreign policy.

@Daven: Huh? I didn’t understand your comment at all. What’s your point?

3.0 rating

Daven on January 19, 2009  · 

Let me clarify my view: Democracy (as “Domos” people) is lowering his importance in favour to “representation of Democracy”. That is: Marketing and other kind of power (technocracy, military force)

The people of the world didn’t choose Obama for anything, so that Obama is not the president of the world, that’s all. Economic questions cannot jeopardize the sovereign of the people in all the countries.

If we want to life in Democracy we must stop to say such things, because we’ll lay in bad negotiations, and start to think about how can improve our system for the people and by the people, not for economics benefits or for perpetuate political classes.

I hope this can clarify

Lord Daven

3.0 rating

Dave Burstein on January 20, 2009  · 

Your comments make sense, but I’d take exception with “the only area in which a US President really has power is in the military and foreign policy.”

I’m reporting that the Obama team effectively transformed a stimulus giveaway to the carriers to a smart plan to get wireless towers and faster landlines for the 10% of the U.S. mostly not connected. There are huge issues in U.S. health care that he can’t completely fix but can change considerably. 2 million men are in cages; certainly there is a better way to deal with marijuana salesmen and poor folks crossing the border for a menial job.

I’ve reported telecom for a decade now, mostly watch the big carriers set the rules. On the stimulus, Verizon and AT&T expected ten billion or so bailout, but some very courageous people turned that completely around.

Change? Not everywhere, but I’m seeing some pretty dramatic examples.

3.0 rating

Antoin O Lachtnain on January 20, 2009  · 

Well, it’s because his job is to be Leader of the Free World as well as President of America. It’s sort of an honorary title that goes with the job. America leads the way, economically, politically, morally.

3.0 rating

Daven on January 20, 2009  · 

morally? what a joke!

3.0 rating

Antoin O Lachtnain on January 20, 2009  · 

Well, the US president sets the moral lead that other countries will follow. Good or bad. Maybe not how it should be, but how it is.

3.0 rating

Daven on January 20, 2009  · 

I cannot assume this: That is, in fact, a tyranny of one people in particular over the the rest. This was the Hitler’s target: Morally and militar superiority over the world.

I’m against this kind of thought and, honestly, I hope Obama don’t take his charge in that sense. This would be the same historical mistake as Mr Bush did.

Lord Daven

3.0 rating

Gonzalo Oxenford on January 24, 2009  · 

“Obama has a chance to change the course.” and I think he’s already doing it!

Great post!

like your blog btw.

3.0 rating

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