Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

This October 13th at 7pm Fon will host the second Developer Garage for Facebook. We were happy to see that the first one was such a big success that the folks at Facebook wanted an encore. The two major differences since February are that Facebook did not exist in Spanish until that Developer´s Garage and that Mark Zuckerberg was not there (although Javier Olivan did a great job explaining Facebook apps to all of us). But this time developers joining us at the Teatro Lara of Madrid will get a chance to hear Facebook´s founder present his own vision of the role that Facebook apps play in Facebook. To attend this garage(theater) please reserve here.

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Wilhelm Lappe on October 2, 2008  · 

Muy bien!! no deberíanos perdérnoslo, a mi el enlace para apuntarse no me funciona… me lleva a la página principal de facebook

3.0 rating

Gaetan on October 2, 2008  · 

Quite a coup!! Congratulations 🙂

3.0 rating

Lucas Rodríguez Cervera on October 2, 2008  · 

Wilhelm, si le quitas la barra final a la URL si funciona…

3.0 rating

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