For historical reasons the digital world that includes movies, music, videogames, tv channels, internet access, voice minutes over fixed and mobile lines, internet content, is grossly unfair. In the digital world most people download and get music for free and have come to expect music to be free. The same people however pay a fortune for voice calls to their mobile operators and seem to think that that is normal. More and more people pay less for movies and are downloading them for free. In Europe now the video game industry makes more money than the music and the movie industry combined. But as much as they are unwilling to pay for movies themselves they pay tons of money to Cable Operators to have access to an enormous selection of TV Channels that they hardly watch. Instead they still mostly watch broadcasting television which is free. They pay significant amounts to fixed telecom carriers and yet are unwilling to pay any money for the content that makes internet access worthwhile. And pay nothing for writing long emails over the telephone or their computers but pay absurd amounts to send 140 characters or less in an SMS. Is the digital world sustainable?

Liverpool’s striker, Peter Crouch, also joined BT FON campaign. And in this video he teaches us how to make the perfect Mexican wave.

BT FON has been selected by the judges as a finalist in the Most Innovative Wireless Broadband Company category of the Wireless Broadband Innovation Awards. Vote for BT FON!


The Sun‘s coverage of BT FON‘s latest campaign. The girl in the photo is Jennifer Metcalfe, star actress in the UK.

Peter Crouch and Jennifer Metcalfe have grabbed their sombreros to spice up the launch of the world’s biggest ever Mexican Wave.

Liverpool striker Crouch and Hollyoaks stunner Metcalfe are promoting BT FON’s fun new campaign which aims to find out which football team in the UK has the most passionate fans.

Bradford babe Metcalfe visited Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium for Saturday’s clash with Liverpool to meet who filmed their own, unique Mexican Waves.

To me it is fontastic to see all this going on as BT is showing Fon that if you really want to reach the general public you have to go for themes that are less geeky than ours. Who would not dream of being able to connect to Jennifer Metcalfe´s Fonera?

Together with our partner BT, we are launching The World’s Biggest Mexican Wave, an initiative to raise awareness of the BT FON community, which has been growing really fast and has now more then 70,000 members. This post is also an invitation to Foneros from around the world to join in this initiative which while mostly UK it can be joined by people from all over the world.

Why The Wave? Well, first of all it’s fun. Secondly a WiFi community is just like a Mexican Wave: people contribute with their individual (radio) wave, and the more people, the better it gets.


Anybody can be part of The Biggest Mexican Wave. Joining the wave is very easy, watch some tips on how to film and submit your own (you can use a webcam, a camera or your mobile phone). Once you upload your video you’ll be part of the world’s biggest Mexican wave, watch it on the website and try to spot yourself!

You can watch the entire Arsenal football team performing a great Mexican Wave for our BT FON community, or a video with Liverpool’s striker Peter Crouch teaching how to do the perfect robotic wave.

BT FON allows its members to connect for free in thousands of places around the UK and in the world. All BT broadband subscribers can automatically opt-in to join the BT FON Community, share their WiFi and roam the world for free. Of course all Foneros can roam for free on BT FON spots.

The Bush administration ran a disastrous fiscal policy and moved the country from budget surplus to budget deficit. Currently over 80% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. At the same time the Fed conducted a very poor oversight of banks and some went or are about to go under. But the paradox here is that the government is a huge borrower in the US economy and as crazy as it sounds for the government things are better now as interest rates are collapsing as everyone rushes to the safety of their bonds. So as opposed to corporations the more you mismanage government the cheapest it is to borrow. Something is not right.

Please give me the answer that you think is the most important reason, the main reason for foneros to disconnect a fonera.

fonerabot1.pngFrancisco Suvires, a 19 years old Spanish student with a passion for electronics, has just won the first prize at the MadridBot 2008 competition with its project Fonerabot.

Yes, as you can tell from the picture, it’s an incredible wheel-equipped exploration robot built out of a Fonera! This little moving Fonera can obviously be controlled via WiFi and, while exploring around, it can also get and transmit information like the room’s temperature and lighting conditions.

p1050110.JPGFrancisco opened a Fonera, played with its electronics and loaded open source software on its firmware to control the engine and the sensors he installed on it. A web interface allows him to steer his Fonerabot and get continuous updates from the sensors.

Congratulations Francisco!

My 13 year old son Tom and I were playing a game called Fable on the Xbox in our living room. In this game you become a character who roams a medieval world and you choose to be good or evil, you can fish, you can cook, you can buy a home and engage in commerce. Interestingly you can also find a bride and fall in love, or in this modern day fable, you can find a groom and fall in love (but you can only be a man character in this game). Tom and I were pretty surprised to learn that in this game there is gay love and gay marriage. Much to our surprise a man came towards our male character with a big heart symbolizing his homosexual attraction to us and asking us to buy him a wedding ring. We passed. As much as I am in favor of gay marriage in real life among consenting adults I am not sure that I endorse gay characters proposing to my 13 year old in Xbox games.

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