In this video, while walking around Dublin, my friend Antoin O Lachtain and I speak about broadband situation in Eire and the world in general. To watch only if you have some free time….

The La Fontennas are signal extenders that stick to windows, are the size of a PSP and boost your La Fonera’s WiFi coverage by 10 times more than what it is now. Today we started an e mail campaign directed at our most successful Foneros, those who capture the most roaming linuses and aliens to try these out for free. If you live in a high density area and think you qualify but did not get one please write to me with your name and address. I do not promise to deliver one to everyone but I do promise to spend some time looking up the location in our maps and give out at least 100 to my readers.

Last night I was having dinner with my friend Lars Hinrichs of Xing but the dinner was soured by the fact that somebody had posted antisemitic remarks in Xing and the press was accusing Xing´s management of being antisemitic. Other than the fact that as a buddy of Lars and being Jewish myself I can say that Lars is clearly not an antisemite I think that as Youtube and many others are seeing, “user generated content” also implies “user generated problems”. Will the traditional press ever understand that web 2.0 web sites cannot hire armies of people to police their own user generated content web sites? The only way user generated web sites can be managed is flagging offensive content. It is only then that web sites responsibility begins. And indeed if Xing had failed to remove those remarks it would be at fault. But they reacted immediately. And that is the only way the web 2.0 can truly function.

In this video, while I walk around Cambridge I talk around what I believe is seriously wrong with the British educational system in which high school ends when kids are only 15 and at 16 they are forced to choose only very few subjects to study.

Yesterday I met with Sir Martin Sorrell and we spoke about the incredibly high market cap of Google compared to that of his company WPP, the largest ad agency in the world ($18bn compared with $160bn). During this conversation I came up with an explanation for this paradox that partly explained the enormous market cap differential of two companies in the same field with similar profits. Namely that WPP is a standard company which trades at a predictable P/E. But that there are only two kinds of companies that can achieve sky high valuations and go beyond the traditional valuation rules and those are are companies in the fields of building robots and building communities. Today at CUTEC I presented this idea at Cambridge and it was very well received.
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In this video I comment on this article on the FT that I read on my way to the airport in Hamburg (today was Hamburg, Cambridge and now Dublin). As I read it I thought how tough the choices were for Israel. On one side I strongly believe that the settlers should leave the West Bank. On the other side I believe that Israel does have a good case that if they pull out from the West Bank completely as they did from Gaza more and more rockets will fly into Israel. Israel should pull out but it can´t have Palestine managed by a party, Hamas, whose political platform calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.

Here´s the announcement of the Palm Foleo in Endgadget. Pls read the comments. They are very negative. People seem to focus on only one thing, the price, which at $500 they find too high. And in that sense they are right. The right price maybe more like $390. But if the Foleo was available for $390, running on Linux the key advantage of the Foleo would stand up and that is that….it runs on Linux. There are many of us who think that the what kills laptops is Microsoft. When I use Mac, or Ubuntu, my laptops work very well. When I used Microsoft I go crazy waiting for laptops to turn on, turn off, suspension never works well, programs crash on me. So the key about the Palm Foleo is that it is NOT a Microsoft laptop. In any case what I want is an Ubuntu based flashed based, very thin, with long lasting batteries, less than 1kg laptop.

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