If you live in USA and want to join FON, today is your lucky day. Today is FON´s birthday numero uno and if you click here you don´t pay NADA to get your Fonera (FON´s wifi router). We already have 18,000 Foneras ordered in the States and we are on our way to becoming the largest WiFi network America.
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At FON we are very proud of our growth. FON has tripled in size in the last 3 months. But while I thought this was pretty unique, I was just looking at Meneame, the Spanish Digg like site, in which I invested in, and I was super impressed with their growth. They doubled in size in the last 3 months. And other companies I invested in, like Netvibes, Wikio, Vpod, Xing, Gspace, Mo.neytrack.in, Technorati, Plazes, Zudeo and Joost are all growing very fast.how
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When we started FON, our idea was to develop a piece of software that turns your router into a member a global family of routers who share wifi. So first we released an open source download that would convert certain router models into FON routers but we failed with the download model. Even though FON appeared in most blogs, the New York Times and many newspapers and magazines around the world, we discovered that there were not enough people interested in a download. We diagnosed this lack of interest for three reasons: first, people saw little value in being early adopters, second, they feared that sharing would leave them without bandwidth; and third, they were afraid that strangers would get into their WiFi networks (now many people have WiFi printers, WiFi media servers, etc).
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And we will celebrate with a party at Teatro Lara in Madrid. Unfortunately, I can´t invite all the readers of my blog, but the first 100 to write to us are invited. Pls send an e mail to Alberto if you would like to join us for drinks and dance at 11pm.

Om Malik ran a Fonera give away campaign in his blog, by which he told his readers that he had 1500 Foneras to give away. Now, unfortunately, he did not say that these Foneras were only for readers in the States. So what happened is that the very international readership of Om started asking for free Foneras. Orders came from many countries. And not only did we get orders from many countries, but we got many more than 1500. This is what we have so far:
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Om Malik is giving away Foneras (FON WiFi routers with 2 SSIDs) for free. These normally sell for $29,95. Click here if you live in the States and would like to get a free Fonera. You won´t even have to pay for shipping, just give your word that you will connect it or give it back to the community.

My apologies for readers outside the US, but we have ran free promos in most countries and we are doing the US last and in very limited format cause its so damn big!!!

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