There´s a boom in the retirement industry in Mexico. Presently, there are around half a million Americans retiring in Mexico. They do this because they get great weather, nice people, and with the same income they can live much better lives.
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Most people believe that being Jewish is believing in Judaism: a religion. But this is not always the case. I am a Jew and I am non religious and there are many of us. So if I don´t believe in religion how can I be Jewish? I think the explanation lies unfortunately in that it is not only Jews who define Judaism, in my case, and in the case of many other Jews, Judaism was not only defined by sharing a common culture and history with other Jews but by the attacks of anti semites. In the case of Argentine Jews as myself there were three waves of attacks: the nazis, the Argentine military neo nazis and Hezbollah that greatly defined our identity.
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My blog is not a blog of links, but a blog of my ideas and activities as a company builder. Still, I just read this article at the Technology Review that Bob Stumpel, our FONero leader in the Netherlands, sent to me and it is right on the state of WiFi.

Truphone is especially interesting. And so is this announcement by T Mobile in the States whereby dual wifi gsm phones will connect for free in their hotspots mostly at Starbucks.

This is how we started


This is where we are now


And on top of our mass production of Foneras, we are thinking of also producing small runs of design routers such as this one

router final.JPG

Here´s a view of how Google will make Youtube disappear. Personally, I don´t agree that that will be the case. Indeed, if I had to guess I would not be surprised that Google Video will do to Youtube what Google WiFi did with FON, and that is to establish a healthy competition with an internal project and an external one which Google partly or wholly owns. And, surprisingly, the internal project may very well lose and yet not dissapear.
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Muni WiFi advocates wants cities to deploy WiFi networks. Free WiFi advocates want to build WiFi networks in neighborhood and cities. FON simply enables people to deploy WiFi networks. Muni WiFi is hard to implement for the simple reason that it is BUREAUCRATIC.
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I just wrote this article in Spanish in which I try to explain to a non Jewish Spanish audience what makes me a Jew. I apologize to my English readers that my Spanish blog has many more articles. It does because Spanish is my native language and it is easier for me to write in Spanish.

In 3 days we have received over 5000 orders for Foneras from Germany and Austria. This is an enormous amount, much more than what we expected. We will be able to ship some of the Foneras next week, but not all. We apologize for the FONeros who will not receive their Foneras next week, they should get there before November 15th. We will ship on a first come first serve basis.

In any case we are extremely excited at FON about these results and want to thank all the enthusiastic new FONeros from these two countries and soon you will all have your Foneras. Please remember to connect them near an outside window.

Lately some people have been complaining that we have not disclosed the code of the Fonera. We have not done so because we have just launched the Fonera and are still working on the GPL compliance with Atheros, the chip maker. We are sorry about this delay and will probably publish the source code within a month Also we invite developers to write code for the Foneras and after certification we will include it as a choice for people to add to them.

At FON you can be a Bill and you can be a Linus. Most people are Linuses. Indeed, around 85% of the FONeros prefer to roam the world for free than to make money. But Greg, who I met at a business meeting yesterday in London, is a happy Bill. Interestingly, he is offering a service in euros in a pound economy, but British people still buy his passes.

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