
At the Safe Democracy Foundation we went ahead with the initiative Jews for Lebanon.
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In this short video clip I announce that at Fon we launched the Fonera today in Europe and USA, Asia is coming soon.

If you can´t see the video, please try here
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I just came back from Taiwan. While in Taipei I met with the heads of large companies and key figures in the Taiwan government who was confronting serious pressure over some political scandals. At some of those meetings I was asked to give some ideas for Taiwan´s development. This is my view. Taiwan is being squeezed by China´s low labor costs. Many of its companies are moving production to China leaving only the engineering to be done in Taiwan. In a way Taiwan is doing to China what the USA used to do to Taiwan design at home, build elsewhere. But in my view that is not enough. I think that at some point Taiwan will have to do what Japan and Korea did and acquire some key companies in the USA in the areas of web services and gadget design. Instead of just focusing on cutting production costs Taiwan should also focus in getting more access to extremely good creative technology, gadget design and services talent from the United States and Europe.

Many people tell me that all is well with Fon until WiMax kills WiFi and then we will become obsolete. I think these critics don´t get it. WiMax comes in two flavors, proprietary bandwidth and public bandwidth. Fon is prepared for both. If it comes in open mode Fon is already in conversation with our Fonera supplier Accton to make routers that connect to DSL or Cable and send both WiFi and WiMax signal so we can give those out to Foneros and quickly deploy open WiMax. Also a WiMax enabled fonero will have so much more range! And if it comes in propietary flavor Fon will show operators that there´s a new way to grow a network, that living rooms can be more efficient than rooftops.

I was thinking about the countries in the world that are the best and the worst governed and I elaborated this very personal list. I did it quickly, as a kind of a game, and I may have forgotten certain countries, but the idea was to make a personal ranking that reflected my vision of the world.

I could spend a lot of time explaining why I put certain countries in certain places. I could also change my opinion. This is the same kind of thing as when you meet someone and ask them about their favorite movies, music, books, and places. All of this information only helps you to know a person better.

So here is my ranking, from best to worst
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I am in Hong Kong now meeting with ODM makers who can manufacture the products that FON makes. Tomorrow I will go to meet with Accton in Taiwan, our lead supplier. As I have these meetings I wonder why is it that so many of the products designed in the States and Europe are made in China while few of the products designed in China are sold in Europe and the States. I am sure many people have looked at this phenomenom and have tried to come up with theories. To me it is a question of focus. At FON in Madrid, all we think about is user experience, software, the manufacturers we work with however are concentrated on the art to make the most for the least amount of money. Very different proposition. We need each other.

Continents are generally defined as large masses of land, all of them are… but Europe and Asia. Africa is a clearly defined continent, so are the Americas, Antartica, but are Europe and Asia a Continent in a geographic sense or in a cultural/ethnic sense? The more I look at the concept of Asia for example, the more flawed I think it is. As you can see from the Wikipedia, Asia is really part of the same land mass as Europe so they should be one continent: Eurasia. Why do we then have two continents made of one land mass? Probably because in this case it is not geography that prevailed in the definition but a cultural construct in which Europeans who were drawing the maps decided that Europe ended wherever people did not look like Europeans or did not practice the same religion as the cartographers.
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Foreign Policy magazine´s cover shows a surprising headline this week.
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In March I announced that my foundation, along with the Argentinean Association of Astronomy, would grant the Carlos M. Varsavsky Prize to the best doctoral thesis on astronomy. Carlos Varsavsky was my father, a Harvard trained astrophysicist who was the head of the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia and who had to leave his native country because of political prosecution by the Argentine military Junta.

It is for me a great pleasure to be able to announce that the committee designated by the Argentinean Association of Astronomy has chosen a winning work. The author of the work is Doctor Andrea Veronica Ahumada, whose thesis was dedicated to the Integrated Spectral Evolution of Cumulous Galactic Stars and the Small Cloud of Magellan.

Apart from receiving a commemorative medal and diploma, the winner will also be awarded a grant to attend an international conference in her specialty in the year immediately following acceptance of the prize, with all expenses paid by the Varsavsky Foundation.

You can read a brief summary of the Thesis on the following file.

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