I was looking at how Yahoo Launch (music) works and thinking that it would be ideal to have the same slogan, the radio station that listens to you, to news reading, the news channel that listens to you. I would appreciate if Yahoo could see which news I click on and instead of giving me the Reuters vs the AP it would listen to me and start giving me a news layout that is derived from my choices.

Jazztel is the second largest publicly traded telecom company in Spain. I founded this company in 1998. I ran it until 2002. Jazztel is now managed by very able entrepreneur Leopoldo Pujals, best known as founder of Telepizza, a huge pizza chain present in 5 countries and by far the largest of its kind in Spain. I am pleased to announce that Fon and Jazztel reached an agreement today in which Jazztel will start selling its services Fon Ready. This is the second such announcement after our agreement with Glocalnet in Sweden. Both Jazztel and Glocalnet are leading challengers to the incumbent telcos, Telefonica and Telia. Why do ISPs sign up with Fon? In telco lingo, because we increase their ARPU and reduce their CHURN. For the layman this means that we increase revenues per line and increase customer retention. And all this at no cost to the ISP as FON pays for all the software integration and software addition to the ISP wifi routers. Fixed line ISPs never thought that they too could become high bandwidth wireless broadband players, with FON they can and they become members of a global alliance a la GSM that does so. If you are with an ISP anywhere in the world please contact me through this blog.

President Clinton is the person I admire the most in the world, it´s that simple. Readers of my blog and those close to me are well aware that I am rarely a fan of anyone in the true sense of the word, but when it comes to Clinton I cannot help but make the exception. Whilst in NY I was invited to attend a dinner in his honor. As usual I found the President´s views fascinating (a not to non American readers in America people call ex presidents…Presidents).

Now before I share the Presidents views with you I would like to remind you that I am not a journalist and that I did not take notes during dinner so some of my recollections maybe wrong. Still I believe that they are worth a try as they are original and challenging.

The dinner was held at the home of New York financier Marc Lasry who I thank for his kind invitation. The whole event consisted of two parts. The dinner itself during which approximately seven of us asked an array of questions to the President on current affairs; and an after dinner conversation in which I personally followed up on a number of issues. Here are my recollections, a brief summary of the three hour conversation.
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I met Alex Liu from Atheros this morning. Atheros manufactures its WiFi chips and then sells them to different brands.

In the following pictures you can see the routers they build with this chip and are sold to the public by Belkin.


The greatest thing about the Atheros chip is that it is tiny, and therefore the products associated with them are also very small. This pictures show a wifi phone that we could have in the market for 70 dollars or euros, and a router that we can buy and sell for 25. The router would be the same on the inside, but would definitely have a Fon design.



article on FON.

This morning I was looking at the latest registered fonero numbers. Foneros are people who sign up with Fon and would like to share bandwidth. If they want to do this for money they are Bill foneros, if they want to do this in order to obtain free wifi roaming anywhere else in their country or the world where there are foneros they are called Linus foneros. Now as you can see from this list Fon is becoming a very global company, ¿or is it? Considering that Muslims make one person in 5 in this planet, how come we already have foneros from so many countries and none from Muslim countries?
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In 2005, the Safe Democracy Foundation, which I manage and together with the Club de Madrid, organized the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security at the Palacio de Congresos in Madrid, Spain.

The results of this Summit can be found in our blog. For the second anniversary, we have decided to transform the contents of last year’s Summit – the materials are mainly focused on how democracies can efficiently combat terrorism without losing their democratic spirit – into a blog.

During the past few days, very interesting people have collaborated with us and published articles in the blog. I would like to invite all of you to read them. Some of these people include George Soros, Walid Salem, Giandomenico Picco, Javier Rupérez and others. Some of the articles are written in English, while others are written in Spanish.

Safe Democracy’s blog will remain open in 2006, and other important contributors will post articles about the strengthening of democracies and conflict resolution.

We are growing fast. We were 12 people at the beginning of the year, we are 29 now, we will be 40 soon. We need a controller. Nationality is not an issue, good level of English is. Our controller needs to have budgeting and transactional experience. Has to be VERY hands on, a spread sheet wiz. Job is in sunny Madrid. Please send cvs to Antonio Fuentes.

Today we were covered by Business Week.

We signed with 2 more large telcos in Europe but we can´t yet announce who they are.

Today we started negotiating with our first mobile operator. Making a deal with them would be a breakthrough as many analysts argued that we could make deals with fixed operators but that mobile operators will hate us. Some however seem to be realizing that at the pace we are growing we can become a great way for them to alleviate the heaviest mobile traffic, videos, games and songs in particular which 3G networks are poorly equipped for. Also for indoor coverage.

By now we have had meetings and conversations will most American telcos and cable operators.

I will be in the States again from tomorrow until the following Wed evening.

Fon is a company, but Fon is also a movement. Fon has a for profit part, the bills and the aliens, and a free environment, the one for the linuses. And I am happy to see that there are so many people who want to see wifi everywhere and free for linuses become a reality. That´s why I am so appreciative of efforts such as Fonternet which I discovered today.

Español / English

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