This blog entry is in Spanish, but if you love the Nintendo DS…. you will get the idea.

In 2006 over 200 million WiFi gadgets were sold around the world!

In this video David Bitton comments on Wengo´s new developments, something akin to an EBay of personal services that are rendered over Wengo tools such as free video/voice/chat. His collection of services is impressive. Famous bloggers, for example, could have a video button in their blog that people use to talk to them either free or paying like a 900 number. Another service relates to tutoring, on line tutors are given tools to teach on line and get paid on line.

Ready to teach your cooking skills? Join Wengo.

Pinochet finally died. In this video Niklas talks about transparency on the internet and that internet is making it harder to be a dictator. Now this is my free association. I grew up suffering the dictatorship of Videla in Argentina in the 70s a contemporary of Pinochet. I think that new style dictators, like Hugo Chavez ,have a much harder time than Videla or Pinochet, who finally died at the age of 91 (how can dictators live so long??).
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In this video I show a traffic sign that is transformed into a traffic love sign in the Marais the gay neighborhood in Paris.

In this video I show a shop in Paris that sells CDs for 5 euros and is quite crowded. Basically I argue that if the standard price for CDs was 5 euros piracy would go down.

In this video I comment on the cultural differences between Europe and Asia and how they affect productivity and creativity.

About to drink my chai…


Before last summer Hezbolah was a minority force in a Lebanon. Before last summer most Lebanese saw Hezbolah as group of fanatics funded by Syria and Iran who could not be trusted to rule Lebanon. But Nasrallah, working jointly with Ahmadinejad and Bashar Al-Asad outsmarted Ehud Olmert and thanks to his naivete have now placed Hezbollah at the center of Lebanese politics.
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