This article that I wrote about what happened to the ethics of the Spaniards when Spain mostly gave up religion (I argue that not much) continues to make the rounds of American sites like Digg that are based on users voting what is and what is not interesting. Now what is good about these sites is that when they pick up your articles tons of people read them. What is bad is that the debate moves elsewhere. So here´s a copy of the latest comments.

Below you’ll see a video of an amazing goal scored from mid field by Argentina’s Boca Juniors player Palermo against Independiente. What’s interesting about Palermo is that he is a player who has only played well for Boca Juniors, my team. He went to Spain to play where he was paid much more than in Argentina, and yet he played poorly. This frequently happens to top Boca Juniors players who leave the team and country for the big money abroad. Even Maradona’s worst playing took place at the Barça.

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The International Herald Tribune reports today that China has the largest pool of assets in the world. Over $1 trillion dollars. That in itself is significant news. Most people who follow international politics knew about this however.

Now, what I and probably many others did not know is that this pool of assets is managed by 3 women known as the three Xiaos, because their last names are coincidentally Xiaoling, Xiaolian and Xiaohui. Why is this significant? Because I think gender equality is a very significant yardstick by which to measure progress and in this sense China is very modern.

This morning I was contacted by an interesting start up in the Ukraine over Skype. As conversations progressed over Skype, when demo time came, my Ukrainian counterpart switched to AIM Pro and asked me to do the same. I was extremely impressed.

AIM Pro has a feature that is remarkable and that is that I got to see the laptop screen of the programmer in Ukraine as we communicated. Seeing someone else laptop screen is a much better way to understand how a Web 2.0 service works than seeing a power point presentation. Especially, when you are talking to the developer in an interactive format.

I recently wrote two articles in my Spanish blog against parents physically punishing their children. In the first one, I argued that Skinheads and other very violent youth tend to come from homes in which physical punishment was commongly practiced.
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In 1990, I invented Call Back, a means of routing telephone calls through the United States who at the time was the only country who had liberalized its telecom sector and its long distance rates where a third of those overseas.
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I am very sad to report that two female students who collaborate in my foundation were attacked by Spanish Neo Nazis this weekend in the Madrid metro station of Bernabeu. One of them is badly injured with a broken jaw. They are in their mid 20’s and were identified as foreigners by the skinhead gang because of their accent (they were both speaking in Spanish).

We are all extremely concerned about this xenofobic anti American incident. One of the victims is of Mexican origin and lives and studies now in Madrid. The other one lives in the States, studies at Syracuse, and is currently studying for 5 months in Madrid. Police reported that skin heads attacks on foreigners is becoming more and more common.

I grew up in Argentina in the 70s. At that time the military had staged a military coup and committed tremendous atrocities, including killing my cousin David Varsavsky and nearly killing my father, a Harvard trained physicist whose only crime was to stand for democracy.
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Is here.

There are many services to help you discover music on the internet. I really got to appreciate Jamendo because it is the first site I see where musicians invite you to download their music for free. This is cool because with Jamendo I discover new music and don´t feel guilty downloading it. I say “don´t feel guilty” and not “commit a crime” because in Spain it is not illegal to download music and movies from the internet for personal use.

Now one thing Jamendo needs to improve is its music rating system. Yahoo Music is much better at that. So is Last FM. And Jamendo is more for people who are interested in new music rather than established music.

In a way Jamendo is like the open source movement, brought to the music world. We like that at Fon as we are also open source.

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