I live in Spain. I am Jewish. I am sometimes in favor of the international policy of the government of Israel but during the governments of Ariel Sharon and Olmert I have been mostly against these policies. For example I was against what I considered a disproportionate retaliation to the Hizbollah attack. As a result of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon I created a spontaneous vehicle to donate to the Lebanese who were victims of this invasion called Jews For Lebanon. And my personal opinion is that again the Israeli government over reacted to the attacks of Hamas last week and killed many innocent civilians in Gaza including children. Now that is my opinion. But the problem with El Pais, Spain´s leading newspaper and Jose Maria Ridao in particular the journalist who writes the article, is that in order to disagree with the policies of the government of Israel they simply lie. The one page article in El Pais written by Jose Maria Ridao says that the Israeli government declared (and this is clearly false) that should Israeli civilians continued to be bombed from Gaza the Israeli government would undertake a “holocaust of the Palestinian people”. Yes, in those words, a holocaust as if this is something that the Israeli government could possibly say. And moreover in order to illustrate this anti Israeli article, Nazi imagery is used that includes in big letters and in an illustration that occupies a quarter page the horrendous Nazi phrase “Arbeit Macht Frei” (image is not in the online edition). But as you can guess these images do not mean to remind us of the 6 million Jews and other victims of the Nazi Holocaust but instead to show us how committed the Israeli government seems to be to its own holocaust. As I said I live in Spain. And I am by now a Spanish citizen. And there are many, many things I love about Spain. But it is hard and sad for me to see that the majority of the Spanish people, and I mean what I say, probably believes the article. Indeed El Pais contains a voting platform and other than my vote all other votes were extremely positive.

Addition after reading comments:

Even though an Israeli official evidently made those comments that I was not aware of and then the Israeli government immediately clarified that it did not mean that it was its plan to commit a holocaust on the Palestinian people I still think that my general comment about El Pais stands. The question really is this. We all know what the holocaust was, it was the systematic killing in gas chambers of the vast majority of European Jews plus other minorities including gypsies. So the key issue here is. Does El Pais really believe that that is the plan of the State of Israel, to systematically kill every Palestinian person in a way that is similar to Hitler´s final solution? I don´t think so.

Today I had a meeting at a very large Japanese company. Part of the meeting took place in Japanese so I had a chance to observe the faces of the people who I was meeting with more detail as I could not understand what they said. In so doing I could notice tremendous signs of fatigue. And this was not only true of this meeting but of many meetings that I attended. Especially with executives of large companies. Doing some more research on this I learned about the famous last trains of Tokyo, which run around 1130 and how packed they are. This means that many people stay at the office from 9am to 11pm. And then they commute for over an hour on the average. Now what I can´t understand is how come in Europe we work so much less and yet enjoy a similar standard of living.

These monuments are built in honor of dead babies in Japan

Because the city combines an ancient body with a new skin.

Because in Tokyo fashion comes in many styles at once.

Because they make the biggest type of buildings small.

Because foreign foods taste local.

Because toilets pamper you.

Because everyone is so polite and makes you feel safe.

Because the few children there are, are little princes and princesses.

Because the map of Tokyo must have been drawn by a drunk emperor thousands of years ago.

Because when people don´t understand you…they still try.

Because taxi drivers open the door for you…from their seats.

Because over here you don´t have to look like a geek to love technology.

Because Tokyo is a collection of little villages that blend into a city.

Because the best food they have, miso ramen, is food everyone can afford.

Because your bath tub is expected to overflow.

Because people care that you don´t get sick if they are.

Because the Japanese are as curious about you are you are about them.

Because as strict as they are with rules they still opened Cafe Salvatore in Roppongi tonight because they saw how much we wanted their chocolate cake!

In the era of Google it is surprising to see a lot of human contextual advertising in Japan.

A friend suggested me to have a look at an interesting offer by Avis, the rent a car company. They provide a special mobile router to give WiFi connectivity in the cars they rent. It’s based on a product called AutoNet, a device that combines a 3G modem and a WiFi router and turns your car into a WiFi hotspot.

What is very interesting about this is why the service uses 3G and WiFi instead of 3G alone: while mobile broadband is great for its coverage it lacks compatibility with most of the laptops, mobile devices and game consoles on the market. This is one of the many advantages WiFi has over 3G (another big one is cost!) and one that will stay for a long time.

WiFi has become a standard for device manufacturers like Apple, Sony, Nintendo, Panasonic and others who want to provide connectivity for their gadgets. FON has partnerships with most of these manufacturers and is making it really easy and quick for foneros to connect using their WiFi devices without typing usernames and passwords. This is also great for our partners like BT or Neuf whose users can as easily connect using their gadgets on BT-FON and Neuf WiFi FON hotspots.

Today Bernard Farret, the DA of Pontoise has accused two poor Continental Airline mechanics of manslaughter because a part of a plane they repaired fell off and ending up causing the death of 113 people. To me it´s obvious that these people are not guilty. I thought that America was the only country in which money and jail sentences were supposed to bring comfort to accident victims or their relatives. But it seems that USA is not alone. Without knowing all the details but being a jet pilot myself I think that it is absurd to think that the accused mechanics could have possibly known, first that the part of the plane would fall off but secondly, that once on the runway it was going to be picked up by another plane and end up in the tragic death of 113 people. I think that justice is there to condemn the guilty, not to find the guilty when accidents happen. And this one was certainly one freak accident. Moreover if mechanics can be put on trial over their work like this how about car mechanics?

Twitxr is a project that started so Fon could have a Twitter like service but that really used bandwidth so we could showcase WiFi is taking off nicely. Fon Labs releases a lot of services but as far as I am concerned Twitxr is the one that I am most addicted to because I can combine text, a picture and geolocalization, post from any mobile phone with camera and email (it works best with the iPhone) and then automatically cross post in Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook.

Yesterday Victor and Albert Martin at Fon Labs made a new Twitxr release available.

The new iPhone app (now called Twitxr, here the details on how to install on your phone) lets you browse your friends’ pictures and updates, take a new picture or choose from one you have taken previously (using the default Photo app). This is great for those who prefer using WiFi to post their pictures: take a photo using the Photo app when you don’t have coverage and post it later with Twitxr. In the application preferences you can also choose to post lower resolution pictures, making it much faster to post via EDGE.

Twitxr now has a great mobile version to view your friend’s updates and upload your pictures from any web enabled mobile device (just point your browser to m.twitxr.com). Posting via email has also been optimized and works on any device with email support (simply attach your picture and send it to Twitxr, here some detailed instructions).

The new Facebook app not only automatically saves your posts to your Photos on Facebook and shares them with your friends, it also displays a box in your profile with your latest Twitx and lets you see your friends’ posts on the application page.

A blog badge tool allows you to put the same box with your latest picture on your blog or Myspace or any other website, just copy and paste two lines of code.

You can now easily invite your friends on Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and MSN to join you on Twitxr, see your pictures and share their own.

Twitxr keeps posting your updates to Twitter and Flickr, meaning that you can have all your friends on these platforms see your pictures and read the messages you send using Twitxr. Integration with other popular platforms will keep coming. Send your suggestions to contact at twitxr.com.

As an experiment in Fon we have opened Gmail access in all foneras. We have done this for a while now but we are now promoting this feature. This means that regardless of whether you are a fonero or not (foneros are members of the Fon community who share WiFi) when you find a Fonspot you can check your Gmail. You can also check any Google service including search, maps, news, and so long as you stay inside Google you can surf for free. We are doing this for three reasons. One to thank Google as an investor in Fon. Secondly because at Fon we all use many Google services and so do millions of people around the world and we appreciate the quick access. Third and most important for Fon, because since we opened the 15 minute free access on all Fonspots we have seen that many more people use Fon and even if they are not WiFi donors (foneros) they pay for Fon (buy day passses as Aliens). There was a debate at Fon on whether if we gave free access we would sell more or less passes to Aliens but now the answer is clear. We sell more passes because Aliens now know the service works well before they pay.

We believe that Gmail users will love the fact that Fon lets them check their email without paying or donating. And we think that this will encourage people to become Foneros as most people who use gmail also do many other things, like go to Microsoft sites, or Yahoo, or big local portals like Terra, or Facebok and other social communities and all the other wonderful things that the net has to offer. To do that they will either have to become Foneros by buying a Fonera or buy an Alien day pass. In any way Fon will grow faster.

Fon is always free for those who share so those who share will not be affected. Fon also protects those who share in two ways, one is with a firewall and encrypted personal access so nobody from the outside can enter their network and secondly with a bandwidth throttle that limits those who use their fonera to a small portion of their bandwidth.

To become a Fonero all you need to do is buy a Fon router at our online shop, connect it and never pay again when you connect away from home. If you would like to know if there are any foneros in your city you can go to our maps.

The Bush administration came up with this absurd concept of the war on terror as if terror was a tangible enemy that one could truly fight. And using this concoction the US conducted war style operations on civilian populations something that is not only immoral but it only fuels terrorism. Now the paradox is that US ally Israel, a country that truly is at war, denies being at war. And the results are awkward. When USA bombs Somalia as it did yesterday, looking for Islamic terrorists to kill and killing innocent civilians in the process ,the US government justifies its actions by arguing that they are at war with terrorists everywhere. But Israel instead who is at war with a Hamas led Gaza says instead that it is not at War. To me Gaza is a country regardless of whether it´s been recognized by most or not. It has borders, it is independent of the rest of Palestine in its policy making, it has its own government. And Gaza is at war with Israel. Rockets frequently fly from Gaza to Israel and Israel frequently attacks and invades Gaza. There is regular fighting going on. Now while I consider US policy fighting terrorism unreasonable and inhumane as terrorists should be fought by the rule of law, as we do here in Spain, captured, judged and imprisoned and not bombarded from the air I consider Israel´s policy equally confusing. Israel is not fighting terrorists, it is fighting a newly independent country whose government and population are hostile to Israel. Israel is really at war, not USA. And while I was a supporter of the Gaza withdrawal I do agree with many commentators who now say that the withdrawal was a failure and that a West Bank withdrawal would be suicidal. Gazans had a great opportunity to build a new nation and show the way for all Palestine. Instead they have continued to focus on Israel as the source of all evil joining the nations that prefer to play victims than to grow out of their problems. I have always wanted Palestine to be an independent country but unfortunately Gaza has made it very hard for tiny Israel to risk having rockets falling into its civilian population from all sides. In this blog and at my foundation´s I greatly criticized the Israeli invasion of Lebanon for example, an invasion that I considered unnecessary harsh, brutal and counterproductive. But with Gaza Israel has shown tremendous restraint and unfortunately it has not paid off.

Español / English

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