I just read the New York Times article on Fon. It´s well researched, worth reading. What´s great about the article is that it shows what it is to try to build a global wireless network on a day to day basis. In this struggle you meet great partners such as Google, who invested with Fon, or skeptics such as Apple, or telcos who ignore you while others embrace you.


We are proud to announce that the BT FON Community we built with our partner BT is the winner in the Most Innovative Wireless Broadband category at the Wireless Broadband Innovation Awards 2008. Over 210 entries were submitted and just 7 winners were selected in 7 different categories: alongside BT FON, our friends at Fring won the award for Best VoIP Product or Service and the WiMAX Network of Castilla y Leon in Spain won in the Best WIMAX Product or Service category. You can find the list of all the winners on the WBI Award website. The WBI Awards is a global institution that recognizes leadership and the very best in innovation for Wireless Broadband.

Aphrodite my sailboat went from Spain to the Caribbean and now is sailing back from Bermuda to Spain. The crew is a mix of professional and amateur sailors. 3 of them came through my blog.

Revenues at Fon last month were slightly over 100K euros. Gross margins are over 70%. Cash burn which was over a million euros during December was down to 480K euros in April and is going down to 350K euros in June. This puts us on target to be profitable in the last quarter of 2009. Number of registered Foneros is at 830,000. Number of registered hotspots is 332,000 and of active hotspots at anytime has gone up to 212,000 around the world up from 145,000 in December. Last week we added 6000 hotspots and we are on target to have 300K hotspots by year end. Headcount is 61 employees around the world which is remarkable for a company that is managing the largest and fastest growing WiFi network in the world. Our top countries are UK, France, Japan, Germany, USA, Taiwan, Spain and Italy.

Many good things happened at Google Zeitgeist. Some of them I can´t tell as they may become important deals for FON (BTfon was born at Google Zeitgeist). But one of the things that surprised me the most was seeing one of the musicians I have admired the most, Gilberto Gil there. What was shocking about him is that as part of the debate in which he argued for a more moderate system of copyrights, a position that he takes as Minister of Culture of Brasil, he actually sang a song that speaks about my favorite subject: broadband!

Meet the trailblazers is the name of the panel I moderated at Google Zeitgeist. Panelists were Sanjeev Bikhchandani, CEO of InfoEdge, Matt Flannery, CEO of Kiva, my friend and partner Joi Ito, CEO of Creative Commons, Bernard Lukey, CEO of Ozon.ru and Thomas Middelhoff, CEO of Arcandor AG of AOL fame.

My friend Loic made a great job filming, editing and publishing videos from the TechTalk held two weeks ago at my farms in Menorca. He recently published a post with all the videos he’s taken during the event. Thanks Loic!

Here are the video profiles Loic made for some of the guests in Menorca. You can find all the other videos on the Menorca TechTalk’s website.
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A few years ago, Yahoo had an opportunity to buy Google for less than one percent of its present value and passed. After that, the company went from being poorly managed by Terry Semel to being poorly managed by Jerry Yang. Its shares went down to $19. At that point, Steve Ballmer and the Microsoft management team saw an opportunity to buy Yahoo for a reasonable price and gave it a try.

At the same time, Yang and the board members thought they could take advantage of a “rich buyer” and achieve through tough negotiations what they could not achieve via able managing, namely a high share price. They not only rejected the offer of $31, but asked for $37 or nearly twice as much as the share price was worth before Microsoft had first mentioned the word Yahoo.

Ballmer´s reply was simple “we may be rich, but we ain´t stupid” and ditched them. Those shareholders that had bought shares thinking the sale was a done deal were left holding the bag.

Icahn, an expert in takeover battles in the 80’s, threw himself into the battle without having experience with the Internet and started buying cheap shares with the objective of having Microsoft buy Yahoo! at $31 per share and go back home with $1 billion.

The rules of the board of Yahoo were favorable for Icahn. While most of the companies elect their directors and board members at different times, Yahoo elected them all at once and this makes it extremely vulnerable for a takeover. Icahn saw this opportunity to chose an alternative slate of directors and sent an aggressive letter to the board that is well commented by Kara Swisher, one of the best technology journalists so I link to her for this part of the blog post.

The guys at Yahoo replied with this letter saying that they did not want to give Yahoo away to Microsoft and other weak arguments, as it is hard to explain to shareholders why $25 is higher than $31.

Now Yahoo shareholders have only bad choices left. They can vote for a management team who had a chance to buy Google and passed, who had a chance to sell to Microsoft and passed and who had a chance to dominate the internet a la Google and failed. Or alternatively they have the opportunity to vote for a corporate raider who knows nothing about the internet and who´s only strategy is to sell to Microsoft. Will there be another unexpected buyer such as large global telco in the meantime? Will Yahoo find a way to divest of its Japanese and Chinese properties and raise $20bn + in cash? Will the current Yahoo board bring a stellar CEO and win the election? All these are possibilities that do not escape Icahn, who is convinced that one way or another he will make money with his Yahoo shares.

My friend Loic Le Meur just posted the videos from this year’s open session held last saturday during the Menorca TechTalk. You’ll find all the videos and pictures on the TechTalk’s website.

Jacob Hsu (Symbio), on the Internet in China

Marko Ahtisaari (Blyk), on how the free mobile operator Blyk evolved in the last year

Andrew Mclaughlin (head of Policy at Google), on the Internet in Europe and the control of information

Michael Wolf (former President of MTV Networks), on the future of TV on the Internet

Zaryn Dentzel (Tuenti), on coming from Silicon Valley to start the Spanish social network Tuenti

Ola Ahlvarsson (Result), on the different kinds of entrepreneur

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