Billionaire Bill Gates

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I just left the Clinton Global Initiative. It was an inspiring session, Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, talking about how they have helped Africans over the years exchanging notes on AIDS, Malaria, economic development, clean water, poverty alleviation. Explaining how all the billions that US private organizations are sending to the continent are helping Africans. But as I was walking out of the conference I see the following scene. A presidential motorcade, escorted by NYCPD cars stops at a Jewelry shop on 57th Street between Park and Madison. An African President who I could not identified walks in surrounded by bodyguards. I was curious and I wanted to enter as well but they closed the shop for him.

Now of course everyone is entitled to go and buy diamonds. Anyone with money at least. And maybe I am wrong and this African President is buying a diamond out of his lifetime savings from his reasonable presidential salary. But most likely, this president who is paradoxically being provided a police escort in NYC is another one of those corrupt politicians who steal from his people. So while he buys diamonds Western donors are supposed to fix the problems that he is creating.

In this video I share my views on the current financial crisis.

Top: Increasing atmospheric  CO 2             ...
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Europeans put Americans to shame when it gets to reducing carbon emissions. But Americans put Europeans to shame when it gets to reducing smoking rates. Why is it that America got so well organized against the deadly practice of smoking and has such a hard time reducing energy consumption and controlling climate change? If you think about it America should be ahead of Europe in climate change policy if anything because USA is the country that suffers the most from climate change in the form of hurricanes which do not exist in Europe and yet it is so hard to get Americans to make the few decisions they would need to make to consume less energy. Simple measures such as driving smaller cars, keeping buildings slightly less air conditioned in the summer and slightly less heated in the winter, or increasing the availability of public transportation would go a long way to improve emissions in USA. And yet, these measures are not happening. And you want to know what the sad part is? That I am at a session at the Clinton Global Initiative that focuses exactly on this issue and a group of experts discussing the matter seem to be baffled as to why American consumers are so irrational when it gets to energy consumption. Experts here are saying that America needs government regulation because consumers on their own are not making the right energy decissions.

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Four types of flaps

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I am a pilot. I fly private jets. I am not a great pilot and, since I had to fly alone to obtain my license, I lack sufficient confidence in my abilities to do so again. Specifically, I do not fly alone because too much of what goes on in aviation is still in the hands of pilots, and we pilots almost always cause the accidents. With two pilots the possibility of having an accident is smaller, but even though commercial airplanes have two pilots, fatal plane crashes in the most developed countries are nowadays very rarely due to mechanical failure. Those who believe that Spanair has special mechanical problems are mistaken. All airlines have similar problems with their airplanes and they manage fine. The real problem is in how commercial aviation is designed, that it is not incorporating the necessary advances to remove some of the pilots’ duties and create a safer situation. It is the industry and the aeronautic regulators that confide too much in pilots when they can make a mistake at any time.

Although I do not have any more information about the Spanair accident, from what I have read the cause of the disaster was human error. I imagine it happened like this: one pilot, while reading off the checklist, asked the other if he had extended the wing flaps, and the other said yes, but unfortunately he forgot to move the lever, and when they heard the warnings (actually it is not known if they heard them or not), they were unable to abort. So simple. So tragic. So quick. It all happened in seconds. I know that my analysis could be wrong, but due to the hot weather during takeoff (I took off from the same runway two hours earlier), the fact that the plane was completely full with passengers and fuel, and the behavior of the plane, which only flew for a few seconds, everything indicates that the plane tried to take off without fully extended flaps, and it crashed and burned, resulting in the horrible and unnecessary death of 153 passengers.

Now the incredible thing about this tragedy is that this accident could happen to any pilot. It is very unlikely, but it is not impossible. What’s more, this type of accident has already happened to many pilots. You only need to google “airline accidents flaps” in order to read about the topic. Flaps are indispensable because without them a plane carrying a lot of weight does not take off. Thanks to the flaps, the wings have more support, and planes carrying a lot of weight can take off at slower speeds on hot days. But planes do not need flaps in order to go fast and climb high, and it is for this reason that they are extended for takeoff and subsequently retracted for flying. But what is absurd is that commercial airplanes filled with passengers and fuel can try to take off and end up crashing if the pilots forget to extend the flaps. If the same plane were equipped with accelerators that would not transfer fuel to the turbines for takeoff in the case that flaps are not extended, this accident would not have occurred. What commercial aviation needs are systems that protect pilots and passengers from human errors that sooner or later are going to be committed. This is a list of airplane accidents since 1998. Here is another.

As a pilot, I understand that the Spanair pilots forgot to extend the flaps. I believe that all pilots understand that this could happen to them; I would be surprised if a pilot were to read my blog and tell me that he or she could never forget to extend the flaps or lower the landing gear. It is not sad that pilots can forget, but what is pathetic is that planes allow the pilots to forget, by sounding alarms but not aborting takeoff. Besides, the alarm system in planes is complicated in and of itself. By their looks, the ridiculous consoles must have been designed by engineers who understood very little about human psychology, as they mix serious matters with nearly trivial ones. Airplanes have too many alarms, too many consoles and colors and they mix too many things that are not a matter of life and death with things that indeed are, sometimes forcing the pilots to make split-second decisions. Another example is the landing gear, which in general is not on the console but beneath it, and has an absurd system of three (one for each wheel) red or green lights without alarms. I do not know if an alarm goes off in the big commercial planes if one of the lights is red, but I know that such alarms do not exist in small commercial planes. But aside from this, there is also the attention factor. We cannot ask a pilot in the midst of landing to look down to almost where his feet are in order to see the three green lights. The pilots need to have a big console and only look at that console and outside. And that console should show the most important information at that moment. The three green lights should appear on the console, and not be hidden among so many other lights, because landing without the appropriate gear or with only part of the landing gear deployed is much more important than a red alarm that could be something like the depressurization of the luggage compartment while landing.

At this point what I am asking myself is this: if we all understand that people can fail more frequently than computer programs, why do we let airplanes take off without flaps? Or why do we not make the process of improving instruments simpler and obligatory? Many planes from the 70s and 80s are still flying today, yet this is not a danger given that the truth is that there has been very little progression in the actual field of flight since then, and old planes fly very well. But where we find enormous differences between old and new planes is in the instruments. And yet, save for a few exceptions, no one demands that they change their instruments. Besides, they make it very difficult to standardize new instruments for old planes. Why not let the planes improve their instrumentation easily? If, for example, Boeing 777 jets have far superior instrumentation than the 737 jets, why not make it necessary to improve the cockpit? The airlines do not want to do this because the certifications are extremely expensive. They made me remove an instrument from my plane (which generally flies commercially because it is charted) that could clearly save lives, an instrument that gives you an image of your surrounding terrain and is especially useful for landing in airports like those for Switzerland’s Gstaad and Samedam, which are in valleys nestled between very high mountains, because they were not standardized. Aviation authorities do not give the pilots discretion concerning which instruments they want to use. As I understand it, they don’t let you take out the instruments that are there, but they also don’t allow you to install the new ones that the pilots themselves want. It doesn’t make sense. The same thing occurs with instruments that have been developed in order to avoid collisions, or with simple GPS. I have seen how pilots from big airlines that have invited me to their cockpits use handheld Garmins while flying transoceanic routes because the gyroscope navigation systems yield a lot of error. What’s more, there are routes that are flown with personnel whose only job is to take care of navigation, and these people carry Garmins and thus save themselves from having to use antiquated inertial gyroscopes. It is very illogical.

Another pathetic issue is the language one. The language of aviation is English. For example, if a pilot flies for Germany, he or she speaks English. But in Spain pilots speak in Spanish, and this makes Spanish skies more dangerous as a result of the mixture of languages between Iberia, Spanair and Air Europa pilots, who are speaking in Spanish, and all the rest, who are speaking in English. Allow me to explain. The idea of radio frequency is that every pilot in one particular zone can hear the communication between the tower and each pilot. This can be very useful for a pilot that is near another aircraft or avoiding bad weather. But if, for example, a Spanish pilot chances upon an area of high turbulence and asks to go off course 10 degrees in order to avoid the bad weather, the rest of the non-Spanish pilots that are there do not even find out about this. What’s more, I have heard Spanish pilots ask for shortcuts in Spanish and be given them, and heard pilots ask for them in English and not be given them. This practice of speaking in Spanish is also bad for Spanish pilots when they leave Spain because in general they have gone through all of their training in Spanish. Thus, once they leave Spanish skies they don’t understand very well what the controllers in the other countries are telling them. In general, I believe that it is bad that each European country controls “its” skies and that there are so many systems. There should be a single agency for the European skies, and the controllers should be people from different countries controlling different sectors. If it were like this there would be more air routes and these ridiculous delivery points would not exist in between, for example, Spain and France above the Pyrenees. In contrast, the solution of having RVSM altimeters and sticking the planes at every thousand feet without increasing the number of air routes seems much more dangerous to me. And aside from making things less dangerous, if Europe’s air routes were redesigned it could save fuel and generate less pollution, since planes already fly ten percent further than the flight’s true distance, since they can only follow the very few air routes that exist in each country.

I also fail to understand aviation’s love affair with the old systems based on radio beacons. The whole red and green system for landing is simply archaic. Planes should have consoles based on GPS or radio-electric systems that draw the landing paths with much more precision. How can it be that the videogame industry has designed such intuitive interfaces and the aeronautic industry has not adopted them? The paradoxical thing is that when I talk to many pilots, they seem very content with the systems as they are. Since we hear from pilots with more than 5000 hours of experience in commercial planes, it is not strange that they, who have already flown for so many years, should be comfortable with the status quo. But this is like listening to a Chinese person tell you that learning 5000 characters is better than learning a few letters: it is only true when you already know all of them.

There are also specific problems in Madrid’s airports. Cuatro Vientos, where I learned to fly, is truly dangerous because of the incredible amount of traffic that it has, and because light aircraft are not obliged to have systems for avoiding collisions among themselves. These systems can now be purchased for under 2000 euros. The Barajas/Torrejón junction is also awfully designed. When Barajas is in southern configuration, its and Torrejon’s take offs should have the same system of controllers. Moveover, the operation of the system is unusual because although Torrejón operates as a principally civilian airport, it has military controllers. I understand that the military and civil controllers do not get along well due to salary differences.

So, returning to the beginning, here are my conclusions. Flying continues to be much safer than traveling by car. What’s more, in the last five years in the United States, big commercial planes have not recorded a single accident, and 30 thousand flights take off daily. Air accident casualties are extremely rare, especially in the EU and the USA. But upon seeing the tragic Spanair accident I grieved greatly for the loss of human life, and I send my condolences to the families of the pilots and passengers who died. Although the direct fault for this accident was probably (I hope that the results of the investigation are known soon) due to the mistake of the pilot who stated that the flaps were down when they were not, and paid with his live, I do not blame this person. For me, those to blame are the reactionaries that manage the aviation system that, due to conservatism, prefer to not renovate airplane cockpits and create much more “robotic” planes. And this is how nowadays there are light, private aircraft worth 300,000 euros with better instrumentation than commercial jets that cost millions of euros and carry hundreds of passengers. We have to help the pilots more. They are incredibly well-trained people. But they are human beings.

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On September 11th in a post called My life as a Non Trader, I shared with my blog readers that I hadn´t bought stocks in many years but that I felt that the markets were not valuing assets correctly and that I had chosen to buy shares in Citigroup and Bank of America. I then explained that this purchase was around 5% of my net worth and that it was a long term bet that America would not let it´s largest banks go under. That the financial system was sick but some of the best bank shares were trading as if the financial system as already dead.

Two days ago, when Lehman imploded, I wrote that the US government had to come up with a Brady Plan type solution to the crisis. That instead of going bank after bank and playing God as to who lives and who dies, the US Treasury had to rescue the poor quality mortgages and make everyone proportionately better off. This is what Paulson announced today. But, as the WSJ says, Paulson´s decisions until now have been pretty bad.

So this is how I feel today. Even though I am very happy that my thinking was correct, I still feel it was a mistake to share my investment strategy with the general public. When C and BAC were down over 20% I felt enormous guilt, thinking of a reader out there who may have followed my decision, thinking that I would be infallible, when I knew very well that I could have been wrong. So what I want to accomplish with this post is get rid of my guilt. If you followed my advise and believed like me that the US banking system would survive, enjoy it and take a nice profit now!!!

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What is creating the financial panic that is unfolding as I write, what is causing the shares of all financial institutions to collaps, is the simple fact that Wall Street does not know the extent of the damage to the quality of the mortgages that financial institutions own. As Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs follow Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers on a path to extinction that will cost the US economy dearly, isn´t it time that the US government really intervenes? What the US government has to do is a Brady Plan on itself. What worked for Latin America in the 80s can work now for America itself. It simply entails guaranteeing the majority of the principal and interest from those mortgages. And what was fantastic about the Brady plan is that the guarantee cost nothing to the US Treasury then. And, in my view, the same would be true now. Most of the mortgages in the States will be repaid over the next decades.

Congratulations to the team at Dopplr, the service that lets you share your travel plans with your friends, for raising a new round of financing from a group of well known angel investors and individuals (I’m an early investor in the company). The new investors include Esther Dyson, Tyler Brûlé, Thomas Glocer, Yat Siu, Aditya dev Sood, Lars Hinrichs, Joshua Schachter, Brian Behlendorf, Ami Hasan, Daniel Sachs, Joshua Cooper Ramo, Kim Weckström, and Azeem Azhar.

This is not an easy time to raise financing given the terrible shape of the financial markets, the weak economy, the present IPO drought and reduced M&A activity. Even considering current investments have at least a 5 year horizon these factors do have an influence on present investment decisions in venture capital, so I’m very glad Dopplr managed to put together a great group of investors to finance its international expansion.

Last night I attended the “Where Next?” party organized by Dopplr and there I spoke about “Smarter travel” together with Tyler Brule of Monocle, the magazine for global travellers covering international affairs, business, culture and design, a great partner for Dopplr.

Here is a video of me talking about Dopplr with Ville Vesterinen of ArticStartup.

This is the press release for Dopplr’s new round:

Dopplr Announces Financing Round for Global Expansion
International group led by Esther Dyson, Tyler Brûlé and Thomas Glocer invests in online service for sharing travel intentions

London and Helsinki, 16 September 2008 – Dopplr, the online service for smarter travel, has announced a second financing round from a group of prominent international investors — all users of the service. The funding will be used to expand the service globally from its strong base in Europe.

The new investors include Esther Dyson, Tyler Brûlé, Thomas Glocer, Yat Siu, Aditya dev Sood, Lars Hinrichs, Joshua Schachter, Brian Behlendorf, Ami Hasan, Daniel Sachs, Joshua Cooper Ramo, Kim Weckström, and Azeem Azhar. Saul Klein, who invested in this round, also invested in the previous round together with Martin Varsavsky, Reid Hoffman and Joichi Ito.

Lead investor Esther Dyson, a frequent traveller across four continents, recently discussed Dopplr and new Web business models in The Wall Street Journal:  “I’m an individual with specific travel plans, which I intentionally make visible to my preferred vendors. […] Value is being created in users’ own walled gardens, which they will cultivate for themselves in real estate owned by the social networks. The new value creators are companies – like Facebook and Dopplr—that know how to build and support online communities.”

Intention sharing and brands

“Dopplr is leading the way in intention sharing services online. It is valuable to know where your trusted friends and colleagues will be, and where you could meet them next,” said Lisa Sounio, CEO of Dopplr. “Partner brands on Dopplr will also give you relevant information and offers tailored to you. For example, when you tell Dopplr your plans to go to Hong Kong, you might get the latest intelligence from Monocle and offers from boutique hotels picked by Mr and Mrs Smith.”

Dopplr users, the world’s most frequent travellers from over 190 countries, made on average more than 10 trips in the last year. This fall they will visit 5431 cities with the top destinations being London, New York, San Francisco, Paris and Berlin. Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai and Dubai are all in the top 50 Dopplr destination cities. When travellers tell Dopplr about their travel plans, two-thirds of them have not yet booked a hotel and half have not yet made any travel arrangements. (Source: Dopplr Fall Travel Outlook 2008)

“We see the opportunity to go well beyond building a simple web-based community with Dopplr,” says Monocle Editor-In-Chief and Dopplr Investor Tyler Brûlé. “There’s considerable scope to use Dopplr to improve the travel experience for all by engaging in discussions with not only our members but also travel brands and government agencies seeking informed opinions.”

Now to end the post here are the things that I would like Dopplr to be able to do in the future. I want Dopplr to tell me which restaurants, hotels and airlines my friends are flying. I want to hit the name of a city and get a list of the hotels and restaurants that my friends recommend. I want it to become an instant recommendation engine from my most trusted sources, my friends. As a business however I think Dopplr has to evolve to be the travel agency of the digeratti.

As an entrepreneur, I mourn the end of the era of US investment banks.  I am sorry that these venerable institutions were first taken over and then blown up by their own traders. Traders should have built their hedge funds and not gamble with the whole investment bank.  Entrepreneurs are now left with commercial banks to deal with.  These banks have less understanding of our businesses. Here´s a debate by my buddy Brent Hoberman on this issue in the FT.

In September of 2001 Islamic terrorists murdered 3000 innocent people and caused enormous damage to Wall Street, the heart of the American economy. Seven years later we are seeing great economic damage taking place again. It also happens in the area of the Wall Trade Center. But this time it is not foreign terrorists but the combination of irresponsible US banks and poor US government regulatory oversight who are responsible for tremendous economic losses. And while Americans are still the most creative and hard working people on earth and the US economy is still the biggest in the world, this year the US has gone from being the world´s growth locomotive to slamming the brakes on world´s growth. This is not the emerging markets crisis, this is not the Asian flu, this is not Russia´s default. This is the first time America is sinking the world.

A blog is not a place for extensive analysis. Attention spans on the internet are very short and I am the CEO of a company so I have to be brief. What I am going to do is to outline what could be a more in depth article about the main reasons for the decline of the US as a global power. I will also explain as to why after being away from the dollar during the Bush era and moving back to the dollar this summer I may go back to the euro again. I love America and as an investor I want to trust it. But after another crazy weekend in which two of the largest investment banks in America, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, disappeared I am beginning to wonder.

What is wrong with America:

The 2 wars in Irak and Afghanistan have cost over a trillion dollars and appear to have no clear exit strategy. Moreover with McCain continously talking about expanding military spending and American voters not yet satisfied in spending already half of what the world spends in the military it is not clear that America will not make the same mistake as the Soviet empire and spend its way into bankruptcy. Obama by the way is not much better because even though his instincts tell him that America´s military is embarked in useless expensive missions unfortunately American voters do not understand that the solution is not to win every conflict but to pick conflicts that you can win or else not get involved. Afghanistan was reasonable. Irak was not. Saddam Hussein was not more dangerous to USA than Iran now. A trillion was spent and USA is not in a better position than it was in 2000.

Americans keeps accumulating budget deficits at federal, state and city levels and trade deficits in spite of the dollar being extremely weak. Americans spend more than what they make and survive thanks to the savings of the Asians and now the Arab countries. America owes to China more money than the GDP of Alaska. America may have won the cold war but China and Russia now own a lot of the US economy as huge creditors.

American overspending is not only seen in the perennial budget and trade deficits but in the last years it reached historical heights with the absurd secondary mortgage market that is bringing the US banking system to its knees. Bear Stearns is gone, Lehman is bankrupt, AIG is shaking, Citigroup is 75% down, Merrill was just rescued by Bank of America and is also 50% down from its peak. USA is paying dearly for the combination of the desire of US elected politicians to please voters and overspend and the desire of the average American to live beyond his/her means and take unpayable mortgages and overspend.

The desire of Americans to have tailor made justice and tailor made medicine has made American businesses weak. American legal and medical costs are so much higher than those of other economies that the tremendous advantage that US businesses have in terms of the drive and creativity of its people is lost in legal uncertainties, lack of standards, and a medical system that is both unfair and tremendously expensive. Moreover the results are appalling: USA is a less just society than Europe or Japan and a less healthy nation. US longevity is trailing way behind that of the EU and Japan.

America has the best universities in the world and that is true. But Alexa Varsavsky, the eldest of my four kids, just entered Columbia University and the whole incoming class was 1200 students. Of course I am a proud father knowing that out of 1000 kids who may want to get into Columbia University, 200 who can get in dare to apply and then only 16 get in. But what happens to the other 984 kids? When is America going to realize that it can´t have an education system geared to excel at the extremes and not to raise the mean. Because while USA has the most Nobel prizes it scores very poorly in standardized tests. In general USA is a nation focused on Oscars, Olympic Medals, Nobel Prizes, Pulitzers, which is fine. But if there are 4 million high school graduates in the country and the top 50 schools only take 1000 incoming students each what happens to the other 3.95 million students?

On top of this America´s environmental policies are horrendous and America´s energy efficiency as measured by energy use per unit of output are pathetic. I read somewhere that if Americans drove the same cars that we drive over here in Europe America´s oil deficit would be practically wiped out. And we do have a lot of SUV´s in Europe as well. So why is offshore drilling such a big part of the Republican platform? How many hits does Texas have to take until Americans change their habits and begin behaving responsibly? In one of those weird twists of environmental justice hurricanes don´t happen in Europe but global warming is a certainty now and the quickest way to slow it down is energy conservation.

So this is what is wrong with America. But as Bill Clinton said, there´s nothing that is wrong with America that can´t be fixed by what is right in America. And I hope that Americans once more show that they can turn this enormous mess around. They have a lot of work to do: they have to change their energy consumption habits, their spending habits, accept that an open ended ability to litigate can be harmful to the economy, accept that a little less quality in medical care for some can result in better health care for all, they have to make it harder to sue medical professionals, they have to spend less in the military and more in foreign aid, they have to act less alone and build lasting friendships around the world, they have to accept that sometimes it is government and not banks or corporations that have to set policy, they have to restrict lobbying, they have to focus less on the exceptional people and more on the average person who has not seen his/her income rise in 30 years. In short, there´s a lot of work to do in the States and with all my love for the country that I called home for 18 years I sincerely hope it reforms. As opposed to what most people now think around the world I think that overall America has been a force of mostly good in the world during the last century and I hope that it can overcome its failed policies and continue in that role for the next century.

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LONDON - JULY 11:  A man in the queue to purch...Image by Getty Images via Daylife Going to the States is great for many reasons. One of them is to test whatever is new in the States vis a vis telecomunications and the internet. While there are tons of innovation on the internet, USA is pretty backwards when it gets to telecoms. But there is a shining star and that is T Mobile, a German operator who seems to be very progressive only oustide of their own country. Among the T Mobile novelties is their UMA implementation. UMA is a standard that allows you to seamlessly transfer calls between WiFi and GSM. And as you can see here there are now many UMA handsets. UMA is great in the States because mobile coverage is so poor. With an @home router from T Mobile you achieve the same as with a Femtocell, you at least have coverage at home. On top of that you get all the calling you can eat fixed and mobile for $10 per month out of the same WiFi router. Pretty good. But UMA is not only developing in the States. Orange has a million UMA subs and here´s a great presentation in French about their service (don´t be intimidated, the graphics are great). Other operators with UMA-based offers are TeliaSonera in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, NetCom in Norway, ONO in Spain, Fido and Rogers in Canada.

But neither T Mobile nor France Telecom have copied the Fon model. If the T Mobile or Orange WiFi routers  came with 2 SSIDs or were Foneras which already come with 2SSIDs and global roaming, their services would make much more sense and sell better. Then you could go around with your phone and connect to any Orange router or any T Mobile router and not just yours. We will at Fon try to contact T Mobile and France Telecom to try to team up as successfully as we did with BT in BTFon as well as other operators. But as laptops shrink and handsets grow and both converge into little data hog devices like the iPhones WiFi becomes the least expensive solution to the problem of how to satisfy consumers who want movies and music but don´t want to pay more than 30 dollars/20 euros per month for mobile data.

As things stand I see Fon as a great potential partner for an MVNO who is paying a Vodafone say a fortune for their minutes and making tiny margins, because with Fon this MVNO can make higher margins when the calls go over WiFi. The margins at T Mobile btw are great because when you use your own WiFi you are paying them the same rate as when you use their expensive network.

Fon is also a great potential partner for a 3G operator who finds itself more and more selling handsets that stream movies, games, tv, music, and are very demanding on their networks. Indeed the iPhone does not let you buy from iTunes over 3G but only for WiFi. I find this remarkable since when you buy from iTunes you are paying! It says a lot about the cost of downloading heavy files like TV series over 3G networks. Again UMA is important here as well.

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