Rural China Education Foundation works in a small number of sites to experiment in-depth with innovative models of rural education. They focus on developing teaching methods that make rural education more relevant to rural students’ lives.

Ceres is a network of investors, environmental organizations and other public interest groups working with companies and investors to address sustainability challenges such as global climate change.

Clinton Global Initiative started this year with CGI Exchange, a forum for members to showcase their projects and accomplishments at the Annual Meeting.

I will publish some short interviews to people in the different stands that explain what these organizations do. The first interview is on Agahozo Shalom Youth Village, a project which aims to create a safe and structured residential community for orphaned children in Rwanda.

No. The title is misleading. It´s not what you are thinking. I am not saying that Paulson should bail out hedge funds. I understand that that would offend you. I am actually saying the opposite. I am recommending that Secretary Paulson invite large hedge funds to coinvest with him in the $700bn package that is the largest bailout in history. Why? First because if he does get some hedge funds to coinvest with him when he buys bad loans the American taxpayer will realize that at least there are some other investors out there who are willing to buy those loans as well. That those $700bn are an investment and not an expenditure per se. That it may actually not be such a bad business for the American taxpayer to buy mortgages at a discount and so much so that hedge funds are willing to go along. That there is value to what the US government is buying. Secondly because hedge funds are already buying up these loans, crowding them out does not make much sense. And thirdly because working with hedge funds may actually reduce the size of the government intervention overall. In a sense Warren Buffet has already started operating in this direction as I am sure Paulson was very happy to see him choose to invest $5bn in Goldman Sachs. What Paulson needs now is cooperation with all financial players. Even hedge funds.

In some way, Curriki is very similar to, the foundation I started in Argentina (to which I donated 11.2 million dollars) to help improve education in my country of origin. Curriki is a community of educators, learners and committed education experts who are working together to create quality materials that will benefit teachers and students around the world. It is an online environment created to support the development and free distribution of world-class educational materials to anyone who needs them.

Curriki, as FON, is based on an open source platform.

IRC has been working on the field for 75 years bringing sustained support to regions torn apart by violence and deprivation. Basically, they provide a fresh start for refugees.

Lance Armstrong at the base of Alpe D'Huez
Image by eugene via Flickr

As I wrote a few weeks ago in my blog in Spanish, Lance Armstrong decided to compete again in the Tour de France and he announced it at CGI.

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NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 24:  Former U.S. Presiden...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

This was the opening plenary session at CGI, a discussion of the major challenges that CGI is focusing on this year: education, energy & climate change, global health, and poverty alleviation. This session explored the transformative capacity of business, government, and NGOs to collaboratively develop and implement sustainable solutions.

Participants is the panel where Bill Clinton, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, Bono, Al Gore, E. Neville Isdell and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia.

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In this video taken at 930am EST at the Clinton Global Initiative conference Mc Cain explains what parts of the $700bn financial rescue plan he disagrees with. It was fun for me to see Palin in person, I was sorry she did not speak though. I think she is the most intriguing phenomenom in current American politics. I very much hope she loses of course but like most around here, I can´t help to be extremely curious about her life which is one of the greatest American stories that you can think of.

You can also watch this video in Google Video.

Goldman Sachs
Image via Wikipedia

I just heard Secretary Henry Paulson saying that it the US taxpayer could even make money on the $700 million bailout of financial institutions. I already wrote about this possibility in the Huffington Post. Ben Bernanke spoke right after Paulson and reiterated the same theory. The problem that the Chairman and Secretary face is that a collapsing financial system does not add to their credibility. But this time I think they are right. It is very confusing to talk about $700bn as it is was $700 about to be spent say in the same way funds are spent when US spends money in the war in Iraq. When US spends money in Iraq the money is lost, gone, and it does not even have a significant multiplier effect in the US economy. But in this case the opposite is true. The money is not spent, it is transformed from one type of asset, cash into another type of asset, mortgages bought at depressed prices. Paulson and Bernanke must find a way to say that they will use that money to buy mortgages at a very low price most of which, provided that the economy does not collapse, will be repaid. And indeed it is likely that the taxpayer could even make money on this. Or not lose anywhere near $700 billion. So far, the deals that Bernanke and Paulson have made vis a vis AIG for example, have been great for the US taxpayer. These guys are smart. We have to give them credit. The way this should be portrayed to the American people is that here´s a new fund manager, named Paulson, who used to run the most successful investment bank in America, Goldman Sachs, who is now raising money on behalf of the American people, so they can finally earned some money off their taxes. If Paulson or his successors get it right, US overall debt will actually be reduced.

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