I’ve got 3 children in an English school in Madrid. I see what they’re studying, and while it’s a little better than what I studied at Nicolás Avellaneda in Buenos Aires, it’s not good enough. Sometimes when I help them with their homework, I think that education, just like food or medicine, should come with an expiration date.
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I was thinking about the animal world the other day and there are many different ways that animals attack each other.
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The attacks of 9/11 reminded us of humans’ seemingly inexhaustible imagination and capacity to kill innocent lives. What was unthinkable one day, became reality the next. Today, in the back of everyone’s mind lies the irrepressible fear that one day, terrorists will orchestrate an attack that would make 9/11 look like a Saturday night brawl. What would happen if Al Qaeda dropped a nuclear warhead on Chicago or New York City and kill a million people? How would the US retaliate?
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I am looking for a Personal Assistant. Ideally a bright, bilingual college graduate taking a two year break between college and graduate school interested in spending time in Spain. This formula has worked for me in the past. Please send me your CV at .

Watching TV makes you smarter, argues Steven Johnson in this article in the New York Time Magazine.
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Last night I saw Garden City. A romantic comedy for the 00s. Many times when I watch movies, my mind wonders. In this case I focused on this: why is it that Americans can´t agree on how to greet each other? Is it a kiss, a hug, a wave of a hand, a hand shake? Watch an American movie and you will see all the combinations.
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How could you possibly vote for me out of this list?

Spanish Muslims issue fatwa on bin Laden.

What are, in your opinion, the leading causes of international Islamic terrorism?
Terrorists are power entrepreneurs who believe in using violence to achieve political objectives. This is true of all terrorists.

In general terrorism is defeated by providing an alternative way for thse power entrepreneurs to join the political scene. In Latin America many former terrorists or terrorist sympathizers of the 70s and 80s have become elected officials in the 90s as dictatorships gave way to democracy. I believe that the same will be true of the Islamic World. Once the Islamic world becomes democratic and terrorist leaders are offered less costly ways to gain power they will choose them and the problem will die out.
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Harvard Business School Working Knowledge
by Julie Jette (Monday April 30th, 2001)

It was the roaring 1980s, and Martin Varsavsky was about to receive his MBA from Columbia University—and he still couldn’t get a job. His fruitless job search was probably the best thing that ever happened to him.

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