Incredible, found in an attic, my vinyl record collection. My son Tom had never seen a vinyl record in his life. Probably many of my readers either. It was a funny moment. Here´s some of it in video.

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Gism on July 20, 2007  · 

Some people pretend that LPs sound much better than CDs. I do agree.

When 15 years ago, I found back my vinyl collection (200 LPs as that time), I became addicted again.

I now own 4 000 LPs and may be 2 CDs.

3.0 rating

Simon on July 20, 2007  · 

So where exactly did you find them?
Have you had a house in New York for 20 years?

3.0 rating

andreas w gerdes on July 20, 2007  · 

so much fun – thank you, andreas

3.0 rating

Miguel Pellitero on July 23, 2007  · 

Sweet… Never sell your vinyl collection… all those frequencies your ear can hear but your body can feel.

3.0 rating

Miguel Pellitero on July 23, 2007  · 

Apologies… I meant “your ear can´t hear”

3.0 rating

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