In this video along the line of “check out my new toy” I show the new Blackberry 8800 with GPS. Blackberry will soon release a model with WiFi and we will be able to use it with Fon!

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stefanos on May 9, 2007  · 

I believe that phones/pdas with GPS are not very useful, since they consume quite a lot of battery. It just gets “gadget points”, like the new Nokia N95 that also has GPS. People mainly use a GPS in a car, as in your example, so a in-car navigation system is more useful. I think this will be another fad like video calls, a feature that may exist in most new phones but that few ever use.

3.0 rating

Fernando on May 10, 2007  · 


I agree with you about the battery problem of all gadgets with GPS (and even without it!). However, most of people make most of their movements by car, and in the car you can recharge batteries, so the problem can be reduced. And when you are not in the car you can turn off the GPS feature (I don’t know in the 8800, but in most gadgets you can).

It’s not as with MP3 or video players in the phone… a couple hours of music in the plane and you can’t call home when you land…

3.0 rating

Fernando on May 10, 2007  · 


Have you already tried the N95? You are on their internet board, they should send you one… or several!

3.0 rating

Alberto on May 10, 2007  · 

Martin I don´t think RIM would release soon a wifi model.
This would be against their business plan. They aren´t Nokia.

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on May 10, 2007  · 

I agree with Fernando, you can use it plugged in the car.

Many people use their PDAs with GPS like that.

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on May 10, 2007  · 

Indeed Fernando,

They invited me to their internet board and they don´t give me their devices to try!

3.0 rating

Christian von der Ropp on May 11, 2007  · 

GPS will definitely come to our pockets like cameras invaded our phones. But contrary to cameras GPS will bring way more interesting and useful applications, than the satisfaction of voyeurs and industry spies.
You’ll be able of tracking your kids, find an ATM or the cheapest gas station in your close proximity, and you’ll be notified, when a friend is within one mile of you. And if you enable location-based advertising and so view ads for supersize meals when passing a McDonald’s restaurant, you’ll get 2 minutes of free airtime.
Regardless of the customer demand, E911 and a corresponding European directive, which may be passed already this year, will force network operators to implement GPS in more and more mobile phones.
The fact, that we currently use GPS only in cars, is due to the lack of devices, applications and map data. Devices are coming like applications and the map duopoly (Navteq and TeleAtlas) are already gathering map data for pedestrian usage. And after users start to create their own wiki-like POI-content, things will get interesting. On future holidays, you’ll choose a fish restaurant for dinner by the recommendation stars shown on the map.
The internet revolution consists of three steps: the first was the WWW, the second is broadband and the third step will be the linkage of the interent to the (physical) world, which means linking to locations.

3.0 rating

Andres on May 12, 2007  · 

Chistian, I agree with you in everything you say. We are a team of entrepreneurs who are working for making reality your point of view. You can visit our Web in
Martin, I have a N95 ;-), but we also think Blackberry plus GPS is a good idea, we will working develop software for it.

3.0 rating

Thomas Landspurg on May 14, 2007  · 

Well, take a look at J2memap:
J2memap to search Fon hotspot which is a mobile interface to Fon map database on top of Google/MSN/Yahoo/ mobile provider…
Not tested on a BB but should eentually work, usefull to
find the nearest Fon hotspot, especially if your phone is GPS enabled!

3.0 rating

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