We used to come to Uruguay to get away from everybody we knew. Now everybody we know comes to Uruguay, and I don’t just mean everyone we know from Argentina, that was always the case. I mean a lot of people we know from Europe and USA as well. And they keep coming in growing numbers. And they, like us, still wonder why they like it so much. Now let’s clarify. Everyone I know comes to Jose Ignacio, or near Jose Ignacio, they find Punta del Este ugly. I do as well. But they find the area between La Barra and Laguna Garzón along the coastline just beautiful. The farms, the beach houses, the restaurants, the overall scene. Now what is sad though, is that most of those who come here do not see the countryside. I do every day as I go on my mountain bike rides. Today I managed to take these pictures. I know there is nothing really special to them. Indeed the charm of this part of Uruguay is that it’s so special without having anything really special about it.

Let me show you my pictures and see if we agree.

Follow Martin Varsavsky on Twitter: twitter.com/martinvars

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Juanle on January 4, 2012  · 

Hey Martin,

I’m Uruguayan, born and raised in a rural town (not near Jose Ignacio).
I was always a more urban person, but I get your point. Many people come here not because of some fancy attraction, but because this is one of the few places that really gives a sense of peacefulness, something rare to find in today’s world.

Punta del Este is another version of Miami, which is not a bad thing. It just targets other people.

3.0 rating

Elliott on January 4, 2012  · 

I remember driving to your place by turning off the road at a pole with a piece of paper tacked to it that said “Casa” & an arrow & then following the plume of dirt from a car a mile ahead of me on the unpaved road. Glad to see it’s still beautiful. Not necessarily other people. You still visit Miami every year.

3.0 rating

Michelle on January 9, 2012  · 

To true. Had drinks yesterday with about 10 Australians who have just spent 3 weeks in all the places you mention – and are in love with Uruguay, the countryside, the food and the people. Truth be told, what’s not to love, its gorgeous!! Love your photos too – great shots.

3.0 rating

Gus on January 10, 2012  · 

“Indeed the charm of this part of Uruguay is that it’s so special without having anything really special about it”
Its people made Uruguay that way, unfortunately, tourism, and expatriates bring their negative attitudes to poison the waters, as they have done all over the world!!

3.0 rating

Luis on January 11, 2012  · 

Well Gus, that doesn’t sound too inviting…

3.0 rating

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