For a few months we have been selling Foneras for $5 or 5 euros or in some cases we have been giving them away to highly commited foneros who sign the “fonero promise” and agree to either leave their foneras on at all times for the benefit of the community or to pass the fonera to another fonero. But Foneras cost us around $28. Because we have been very successful in seeding the Fon movement we are planning to end the subsidies and raise our prices to $29.95 in the States and 29 euros in Europe by the end of next week.

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euronerd on October 28, 2006  · 

Ah, I see. That was the surprise. Waited a long time for it. Thank you !

Sent.19 Sept 06 from
Hello Fonero!

Today we are launching La Fonera, the FON Community’s new Social Router. You will soon be receiving a new special offer to take it home. We wish to thank you for always believing in FON, so we will send you another e-mail to offer you La Fonera in a very special promotion (including a surprise). Just wait and you’ll be able to enjoy all the privileges you deserve!

3.0 rating

Luca on October 28, 2006  · 

I received the same e-mail *(Hello Fonero! Today we are launching La Fonera….)* but I did not receive the other email with the promotion… 🙁

Best regards!

3.0 rating

Diego Cabezudo on October 28, 2006  · 

Euronerd and Lucas,

We will still provide a special offer for those who bought the Linksys before, but we are waiting to receive more Foneras, since we have almost run out of stock.



3.0 rating

Marco Rodrigues on October 29, 2006  · 

The surprise is to pay around 30 euros for La Fonera.. hehe 🙂

3.0 rating

Thomas Kenyon on October 29, 2006  · 

This sounds inevitable, Will the price for an additional router go down (from €50) at the same time?

3.0 rating

PanMan on October 29, 2006  · 

So, will you explain the ‘special offer’ for linksys owners, that you announced over a month ago, BEFORE that? On one hand, I would like to have a fonera, and would rather pay less for it. On the other hand, I allready paid $50 for the linksys, and wasn;t really planning on paying again for a router that finally does what the linksys SHOULD have done. I sortof expected the special offer to be a free fonera, for people like me, who supported Fon from the beginning (and paid, relatively large, for it). To make things short: Could you at least explain the special offer, announced over a month ago, before raising the prices??

3.0 rating

Bernard Leung on October 30, 2006  · 

De Fonera is a high quality one and is easy to be used and configured. But the EURO 29 seems to be less attractive to newly launched locations.

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on October 30, 2006  · 


Yes, that is the good news!

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on October 30, 2006  · 

We do have a special offer for Linksys offer coming PanMan. Will announce shortly.

3.0 rating

Stephane on October 31, 2006  · 

Why European are sponsoring American ??!!
29,95$ = 23,50€

29€ = 38$

That’s very not fair and not “social” !

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on October 31, 2006  · 


It is not like that, interestingly. In America it costs us much less to ship nationwide than in Europe and in America taxes are lower.

3.0 rating

Kin Mak on November 1, 2006  · 

What is your plan for China? Are you comfortable the China development is progressing in good pace? Seemed a bit lack luster.

3.0 rating

komateu on November 1, 2006  · 

I’m waiting for the special offer. I pray that will be good and fast news, and not an advertising strike

3.0 rating

Stephane on November 1, 2006  · 

Oh I thought you were an european company…
Taxes could explain 2$ difference not 9$.
– You speak about shipping cost so you mean they are now included in that price ? 29€ is with shipping cost ?
– An public annonce was done, month ago, about 1.000.000 routers at 5€ but you have sold only 50.000 and change the price ! Why ?

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on November 2, 2006  · 


We are sorry if you don´t like our pricing policy. We still it is more transparent than most, especially than mobile operators.

3.0 rating

Stephane on November 3, 2006  · 

I’m not member of a mobile operator community ! I care about Fon community and prices should be a problem for growing. And you know that because you did free offer in Germany. If now the price is 29€+12€ shipping (55$) for a fonera which is specific to Fon unlike Linksys, I’m afraid less people join.

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on November 5, 2006  · 


You have a good point. We will continue the free offer til next Tue.

3.0 rating

Emmanuel on November 14, 2006  · 

I’ve tried to order 2 weeks ago the fonera for 5 euros, but i did not get any confirmaton? Am I in the offer or must I put a new order?

3.0 rating

Junde on November 16, 2006  · 

is there a FON access point around in New York City Queens Elmhurst 97 street. If no, if i buy Foneras can i still connect into internet

3.0 rating

chiunshen on December 30, 2006  · 

Could you extend the sale price period in Taiwan? It’s only 10days not like you did in EUrope and in the Satats. There are lots of fans waiting for the possibility.

3.0 rating

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