Well, we have it. This is going to be our router.

router fon.jpg

La Fonera is in fact a nano wireless router: 72mm x 97mm x 22mm.

Our router is a social router in the sense that it is both a wifi router and a social platform. Everyone talks about web 2.0 web sites. Fon is starting the first web 2.0 gadgets, and there will be many. I believe that most gadgets that we now know will go social. iPods will go social, gaming consoles will go socials, digital cameras will go social.

Some technical specifications for techies: LA Fonera works with a Atheros 2315 chipset, Linux 2.4, FON’sfirmaware based on OpenWRT, 4MB Flash and 16MB SDRAM. Supports 802.11b/g the antenna can be removed in order to replace it for another one with more range.

Follow Martin Varsavsky on Twitter: twitter.com/martinvars

No Comments

Libo Cannici on May 19, 2006  · 

So when are we going to have it? Whould FON buy the ugly geeky Lynksys back 🙂 ? Would it be WDS ready ? Like: I just put it close to the window and let this FON sweety connect to my Apple Airport via WDS, no wires, no mess…

3.0 rating

ignazio on May 19, 2006  · 

Is that image at real-scale?

3.0 rating

Hendrik on May 19, 2006  · 

Is it an OEM version of an Asus or Buffalo router?

3.0 rating

anonymous fon fan on May 19, 2006  · 

Specs? Linux powered (hackable)? New features? Price? Nice photo, but we prefer data specifications to the images…

3.0 rating

Dabis Camero on May 19, 2006  · 

It looks conveniently small. I think it has potential as a starting infrastructure expansion strategy for FON.


– Dabis Camero

3.0 rating

PARC_lab_geek on May 20, 2006  · 

I like what Martin said. SOCIAL ROUTER. It is time soulless companies get booted. A router with social values is what we need, i.e of course it should route packets, but it’s time someone take a holistic picture

3.0 rating

David Oliver on May 23, 2006  · 

I’m not sure what you mean by a social platform but why not develop a router that looks different and has some interesting features such as the Nabaztag rabbit? http://www.nabaztag.com

A lot of people would be happy to pay more for a device that is more than a router, especially in places like Japan. It looks good (depending on your taste!), provides services and features plus you might even make some money from it through Fon. There are lots of possibilities, maybe it has some way to easily see that others are accessing your router – flashing lights, ears moving …

3.0 rating

bubu on July 5, 2006  · 

Just a question:

how much dB will make fonera antenna?

I hope 5 db min and 7 db will be great !

3.0 rating

Martín Varsavsky on July 6, 2006  · 

That is the standard version. We are seeing companies specialized in antennas in order to get 5dBi, 7dBi and 12dBi.


3.0 rating

bubu on July 8, 2006  · 

thanks for this response

3.0 rating

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