In this video I show how the process works. It works the same way as the Youtube uploader and the soon to be deployed Picasa uploader. You create a folder called flickr in a pen drive, you put your pictures in the pen drive and when you take out the pen drive from your computer and stick it in your Fonera 2.0 wifi router the Fonera automatically sends your pictures to Flickr in private mode. All this while you do something else in the computer.

The Fonera 2.0 will go for sale in Europe for 49 euros in mid April.

And in this set you will see family members acting as photo shoot models for the pictures that were uploaded.

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gaetan fryer on March 28, 2009  · 

What a beautiful family you have. I am striken by how much your pictures express your love for them [i have been following your posts for some time]. You are truly blessed, in your home life as well as in business. A toast to you

3.0 rating

Martin Varsavsky on March 30, 2009  · 

Thanks Gaetan!

3.0 rating

Avery on March 31, 2009  · 

That is good news,but I really want to know how can they do that?

3.0 rating

Jordi - FON on April 4, 2009  · 

@Avery, if you mean how can the Fonera 2.0 do the uploading, the answer is simple, we let the Fonera 2.0 do the authentication to your Flickr or Picasa Account and, using the APIs published by those both sites, send the files you got on those folders mentioned by Martin. Its all about letting the Fonera 2.0 take care of all the tedious and repetitive tasks we had to do each time we wanted to upload, now it is just a matter of plugging the thing and she takes care of it. I say “she” because in Spanish La Fonera is female 😉

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