Google ”Immigrant Party” and see what you get. You get ANTI-immigrant party.
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Text sucks. I use it, but I am very disenchanted by it.
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Ideas I’m currently working on.

It’s just one idea. There is no way to fly to Baqueira. I think Baqueira attracts a sufficient number tourists to transform the current aerodrome of Benabarre into a regional airport. A mini airline could be created to fly from there to Madrid and to Lisbon.

Another idea that I’m reconsidering is the idea to mix the format of MTV with the one of QVC and to see what happens. The problem is that this would mean I would have to be in the US or travel there often, which I can’t do right now.

A Proposal for a New “Moveable” Language

This morning I googled the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Not surprisingly, I got thousands of results. Quotes from teachers, photographers, illustrators, and people of all kinds making the point that a picture saves you time. However, as I went through the listings one thing caught my eye. None of them referred to the fact that in digital terms, a picture IS worth a thousand words! Or to put it another way, whoever coined the cliché was probably unaware that decades later it would be discovered that a digital picture and an e-mail of 1000 words, may very well have the same amount of digital content.
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