The summit is going great for everyone but the press. The press has been left out! I am very, very concerned about this. How can we claim that the best answer to terrorism is effective democracy and not practice it here?I am sorry, friends of Club de Madrid, we must change this policy. Paradoxically some of the best bloggers of the world are here and are free to blog this event. Why can´t the press tell the story of what´s happening inside here? We have nothing to hide!

Recent contributions include donations to the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation, the Agencia de Educacion y Formacion Virtual, the Peaceworks Network and Greenpeace Argentina.
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The Varsavsky Foundation was established by Martin Varsavsky in May 2000. It is a private, independent grantmaking organization dedicated to broadening access to, and improving the quality of, education world-wide.

Through its grantmaking activities, the Foundation seeks to ensure that the fundamental tools of learning, from basic bricks & mortar classrooms to on-line cyber-libraries, are available to children of all ages and in all parts of the world. The Foundation further aims to foster the realization of the full pedagogical potential of technology and the internet.

On March 11th, 2005 the Varsavsky Foundation will host the Atocha Workshop on global terrorism, an interactive brainstorm and policy forum that takes place at the Atocha train station on the first anniversary of the Atocha massacre. This workshop will include selected participants from the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security, as well as other creative individuals. This is an independent event organized by the Varsavsky Foundation.

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