College students interested in internships at the Safe Democracy Foundation, please send CV to David Hyman at

Martin Outside 5 (Online Ready).jpg
Here’s a picture outside of the Palacio Municipal de Congresos

Internet Panel (Online Ready).jpg
At the Democracy, Terrorism and the Internet Panel. From Left to Right: Myself, Ethan Zuckerman, and Joichi Ito.

France Radio International (online ready).jpg
Interview by Tatiana Miralles of Radio Francia Internacional.

Lecture 1
Introduction: An entrepreneur’s life, by Martin Varsavsky

Lecture 2
Business Building Project proposals presented by students’ team. Feedback from professor.

Lecture 3
Entrepreneurship experiences I: Urban Capital

Lecture 4
Entrepreneurship experiences II: Medicorp

Lecture 5
Entrepreneurship experiences III: Jazztel

Lecture 6
Entrepreneurship experiences IV:

Lecture 7
Entrepreneurship experiences V: Einsteinet

Lecture 8
Entrepreneurship experiences VI:

Lectures 9 & 10
Business Building Projects Presentation. Critical review by professor and the audience; Course Conclusions.

The Instituto de Empresa is one of Europe’s leading business schools. This international business school is oriented to providing top-level training for executives and entrepreneurs. The school offers an extensive portfolio of master’s degree programmes (full-time), executive master’s degrees (part-time) and executive education programmes, designed to equip participants with the management tools and competences that make a successful business organisation. The markedly entrepreneurial and global slant of Instituto de Empresa programmes, together with a firm commitment to new technologies and applied research projects, provide a valid response that meets the needs of today’s business community.

Eleven Rules for Preventing and Combating Terrorism

1. Prevent radical individuals and groups from becoming terrorist extremists, by confronting them with a mix of “carrot and stick” – tactics and search for effective counter-motivation measures.

2. Stimulate and encourage defection and conversion of free and imprisoned terrorists and find ways to alienate the terrorist organization from its constituency.
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While at the Summit, the Internet Group worked for two days producing this document. I was part of the group led by Joichi Ito and Marko Ahtissari. We were around 20 people. Everyone did an amazing job tackling the very difficult issue of what to do or not to do with the internet to reduce the threat of terrorism.
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Well, here´s the answer. We lived with it when I was growing up in Argentina. Left and right wing terrorism. My cousin was never found, nor his body. There´s a memorial for him now in Alcobendas: The Polideportivo David Varsavsky

Case 2735 – David Horacio VARSAVSKY

The IACHR received the following denunciation:

David Horacio VARSAVSKY, C.I. 6.879, 027, DNI 12.549.136, Maure 2239 6p. A, Federal Capital, an Argentine citizen, 18 years of age (9.18.58), single, a student with secondary school training as an electronic technician; he was preparing to enroll in the school of engineering. He worked on radio and television repair. At 9 o’clock on 2.17.77, he was to be inducted into military service.
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Well, the summit is over. And this is what we have left, the Madrid Agenda.

Here is the link to A Global Strategy for Fighting Terrorism, the fantastic speech given today by Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations.

Continuing with my desire to open up this conference to the press and the public here´s a transcript of everything that was said this morning at the Terrorism in the Internet session.
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