El País, Spain’s leading newspaper, has an interesting article today that tells the story of how the largest fashion show in Spain, Pasarela Cibeles, is not allowing extremely thin models on the cat walk.

In Spain, as in many other countries, there is a concern that very thin models and their look are responsible for many women of average weight becoming anorexic. So what the managers of Pasarela Cibeles did is hire a group of nutrition experts who recommended that models whose body mass index is lower than 18 cannot go on the runway. Body mass index is your weight in kilos divided by the square of your height in meters.

In FON we are having some serious problems attracting people to come from the United States to work in Spain. The same is happening in reverse as well, when we want to bring Europeans to the United States to work. The situation of closed borders is absurd, considering that even if the United States and Europe were to mutually open their borders, there would be no massive migration in either direction.

I think that it is time that the US and the EU make an agreement to allow for people to move freely from one continent to the other. Balanced immigration enriches countries that embrace it. Europe created the European Union, among other things, to facilitate the free movement of its citizens throughout the labor markets. The US created NAFTA so that Mexicans would have more jobs in assembly plants and would stay in Mexico.

Yesterday we had a FON Board meeting in London attended in person by Danny Rimer, from Index Ventures, Niklas Zennstrom, from Skype, Antonio Fuentes and myself, from FON, and over the telephone by Janus Friis and Mike Volpi. I have built 5 tech companies in my life, Viatel, Jazztel, Ya.com, Einsteinet and FON and, frankly, I have never seen a board as good as the FON board.
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I am a trustee of President Clinton´s foundation. Since last year the foundation organizes the Clinton Global Initiative. This conference, other than being one of the most important conferences in the world in terms of attendees, has one feature that makes it stand out from all the other gatherings of global leaders. At the Clinton Global Initiative conference participants are asked to make committments with the objective to address specific problems of the world.
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Here´s my tutorial as translated by Chinese FONeros!

On Aug 5th I wrote a post called the Molecular Biology of Memory in which I argued that there must be specific molecules that are responsible for storing memories. I am extremely excited today to see this post that tells the discovery of scientists at SUNY of the role of Protein Kinase Mzeta and its role in storing memories.

Today I found out that we sold our pass number 1000. Not all of them come accompanied by a letter as nice as this one.

I just payed 10 euro to use your wireless for 5 days 🙂

Pretty cool how it works although I will need to get my own dsl line fast for my work. I saw on your site that you have FOUNDED Jazztell ?? Really??

Anyhow cool story. My name is Michel although my passport reads Michal Tadeusz, because I’m actually polish born with a cool story of my own 😉

Take care and thanks for sharing. Your always welcome for a wine.


While I know most readers of my English blog won’t understand the lyrics, they can still enjoy this video.

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